Conti & Kassandra Zapata conquer qualifier

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Results via Aly Kent periscope
Full Results Part 1 | Part 2

22 Crazy Legs Conti
16.5 Nate Biller
12 Clint Scott
11 Jeremy Farmer
7 Robert Silva
6.5 Chap Hupp
5.5 Mark Poland
5 Phil Taglieri
4.5 Juan Hernandez

11 Kassandra Zapata
10.5 Mary Bowers
6 Vanessa Salazar

Aly Kent has a Periscope from today’s qualifier.

There are multiple women competing. If Mary Bowers wins, I think it will be the first qualifier she has claimed victory in a qualifier with 2 or more females.

Comments (9)


  1. anonymous said

    March 19, 2016 @ 3:23 pm

    as usual this is like hitting the lotto for Conti . He can now party celebrate and orchestrate his after party and all this for what? Last place finish as always in the finals at Coney

  2. Anonymous said

    March 19, 2016 @ 3:35 pm

    im not saying mary is a bad person, but you would think she would train a little so she could at least do 15 hot dogs……

  3. anonymous said

    March 19, 2016 @ 5:57 pm

    @3:23 is jealous and sore because no one acknowledged his 65th birthday. Congrats CLC, you belong in Nathan’s

  4. Anonymous said

    March 19, 2016 @ 9:10 pm


  5. two faced said

    March 20, 2016 @ 1:41 am

    Isn’t is ironic that stubby spitting hair wearer at one time was bitchin and complaining about Conti day in and day out about how he cheats how he doesn’t deserve to get in Nathans finals how he ignores him at after parties yet now the two faced 1lb bologna champ who beat up on little girls to win a bunch of fake trophies . congratulates him

  6. Anonymous said

    March 20, 2016 @ 9:38 am

    Congratulations to Alan Goldstein for his many trips to Coney and his career in MLE. Nicely retired, he maintains a good reputation.

  7. anonymous said

    March 20, 2016 @ 4:12 pm

    A good reputation? Refer to an arson victim as char broiled scalp. Mocking someone’s hygiene and living conditions. Thats a great reputation to be proud of. Funny how 9:38 congrats himself. With his two faced reputation its no wonder the only friend he has to his name is the imaginary one with the boat

  8. anonymous said

    March 20, 2016 @ 4:23 pm

    Many trips to Coney Island = many trips to chemo ward Good luck with that

  9. anonymous said

    March 21, 2016 @ 10:21 am

    I think many trips to Coney Island = many trips to the toilet or the back alley to yack it all up.

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