Bob Shoudt in Des Moines register

“Notorious” Bob Shoudt offers the Des Moines Register some of his competitive eating tips:

When you get to the contest (or the counter at B&B Deli), be confident and act like you know what you’re doing. Move your cups and plates around (in eating contests, there are usually a few cups of water for each competitor, and a couple of plates of food), and eat your food out of order. For example, if you and a friend are racing through the Combine at the Machine Shed, don’t eat the tenderloin, then the medallions, then the sausage. Work your way through all three at the same time, so your opponent can’t figure out exactly how much you’ve eaten. “Give as much misinformation as you can,” Shoudt said.

Comments (2)


  1. Joey said

    May 26, 2010 @ 3:04 pm

    Bob is pretty good at giving misinformation ; )

  2. Mega Munch said

    May 27, 2010 @ 5:00 pm

    lol…”move your cups and plates around”. A classic pre-contest move to posture for the crowd and make it look like you’re “getting ready.” It works well in tandem with the “Crazy Legs Jaw Stretch”, the “Personal Jug of Mystery Beverage Pour”, and, my personal favorite, the “Flag Down an Attendant and Whisper a Question About the Food.”

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