Iowa bacon competitor hospitalized

Russ from the Ace of Spades blog, who sought tips on competitive bacon eating, has a report on the contest and his subsequent trip to the hospital where he was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. He does not blame his diabetes on the eating contest since bacon has no carbs and believes his high level of cholesterol is temporary.

I get multiple visits from the hospital’s chronic disease coordinator (diabetes is her biggest bag), the nutritionist, and even a doctor. Not the doctor who I saw on Tuesday (she left for a vacation in ….Belize…. on Tuesday night), but another doctor who I’ve seen in the past for a small ganglia cyst. He sits down to talk with me about my health, and proceeds to tell me that not only do I have high blood sugar, but my LDL reading are way high. I told him about the 2008 First Annual Blue Ribbon Bacon Fest, and he damn near falls out of his chair laughing. To quote him: “You know, I get a lot of stories from patients like “Doc, my readings are just high because I had a big breakfast”, but you’re probably the first patient who’s actually given me a plausible reason for high readings. He decided to re-check my blood in a month to see what it looks like out from under the shadow of bacon.


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