CPBiggestEater.com has not been updated with any information about a possible 2012-13 circuit. (The first qualifier in the 2011-2012 circuit took place in Singapore in the middle of October.)


  1. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2012 @ 8:43 am

    I kind of figured that that would be a one-off brand recognition event and not a repeat one. The foreign circuits, with the exception of the entertaining the troops worldwide, seem like single events and that is how they are intended. It does not make much sense to invest in those again and fly in eaters from the US. I would think those would be starter contests, then the companies, if they want to have more contests, would have people mostly from within the country compete.

  2. A. Nonymous said

    October 16, 2012 @ 9:18 am

    Actually, there have been two CPBiggestEater finals contests, the first set in May 2010, and the second set in February 2012. So it wasn’t a one-off, and the second set of finals had “qualifiers” for the locals. My jealousy is kicking in, but the “qualifiers” for the pros were invitationals, so in my personal opinion, this contest should not be considered a “circuit”, at least where the the pros are concerned. Not just anyone considered an MLE pro could pay his own way, hop a plane, and compete in this “circuit”.

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