One year after Kate defeats the 96er

It has now been 1 year since Kate Stelnick conquered Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub’s massive 96er burger and no other finishers have been announced in that time despite that restaurant receiving a tremendous amount of publicity. Even if Denny’s made Kate a slightly smaller burger because they thought she had no chance at completing it, as some commenters on this site have stated, finishing an 8-9+ pound burger in her first attempt is an extremely impressive accomplishment.

It would be extremely interesting to see where Kate could have gone in competitive eating if she had decided to pursue it. Even if she has no desire to compete in head to head eating contests, she probably could obtain endorsements and tv appearances solely by destroying restaurant’s eating challenges. Hardee’s thought enough of her feat that they alluded to it in their commercial about Denny’s 4 pound sourdough burger which has never been finished (because it is not on the menu) so Kate herself should probably be able to land appearances in advertisements. A spinoff of Food TV’s Eating with Rachel Ray on $40/day called Eating with Kate Stelnick on $400/day 🙂 could also be envisioned.

Kate’s desire to withdraw from competitive eating is understandable considering her consumption of the 96er resulted in only winnings of $75 (which she donated for tsunami relief) along with a lot of unwanted publicity and numerous rude posts made about her on internet forums (which I hope were not repeated to her face.) If Kate has competed in her last eating contest or challenge, I would like to thank her for showing the world her amazing ability on one instance and wish her the best in her future plans.

Comments (4)


  1. Gumby said (Registered January 9, 2006)

    January 13, 2006 @ 3:37 am

    Okay, okay enough of Kate “I’m not a competitive eater” Stelnick. I realize that one of the main building blocks of this website is to honor gurgitating women but Kate really does not impress me. Everytime Sonya Thomas or Carlene Lefevre compete is 10 times more impressive then Kate’s overpublicized feat. So, give Kate her wish and lets stop talking about her and take her picture off the site too. The fact that she is so disengaged from actual competitive eating, but don’t forget she does have her own website, and did indulge in the publicity of her event, and still does obviously like people to talk about her when she checks out the site, is lame. Eat or go away Kate. Bye, bye…

  2. Mr Negativity said

    January 13, 2006 @ 9:18 am

    I concur. Who really gives a shit

  3. Baba O'Reilly said

    January 13, 2006 @ 10:46 am

    Gumby makes great points! What’s with Kate’s website? She asks us all to move on and yet appears to fully support the efforts of whoever maintains a website that honors her. I’d call that hypocrisy.

    Kate, what’s up with your site? Why don’t you just tear it down and make it THAT much easier for all of us focus our attention elsewhere.

  4. Rich LeFevre said

    January 13, 2006 @ 1:09 pm

    You’re right, Gumby. It should be pointed out that Carlene ate a burger that weighed about one pound less than Denny’s version in Indianapolis (J.R. Hohlier’s) in 2004 and did it in 28 minutes. No publicity for that feat was forthcoming even though it was just as difficult a challenge because it had to be finished in 30 minutes. Almost 60 people had unsuccessfully attempted the feat before we paid a visit to the place that summer. Sonya finished a far bigger burger last year in Las Vegas (that Barrick monstrosity) in under an hour and we were sooooo glad she did as we were all sitting there in pain after 48 minutes of pure torture. That feat was far more impressive than Kate’s and Carlene’s was equally impressive as the Denny’s challenge (which we never attempted because of reports from Eric and others that they added two or three extra pounds of condiments if they knew professional eaters were attempting the feat). Had Carlene gotten the same burger at Denny’s as Kate did, there is no doubt that she would have finished it and it wouldn’t have taken 2 hours and 46 minutes to do so. As for Sonya, she would have cleaned the plate in less than 30 minutes.

  5. zingabet said (Comment pending approval)

    January 29, 2023 @ 1:41 pm

    En güvenilir zingabet giri? sitesine yeni güncel giri? t?kla.

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