Time Magazine on the 1933 Ortonville corn contest

The archives for Time Magazine have an article with a paragraph about the 1933 corn eating contest held in Ortonville, Minnesota, where an AICE contest will take place this year:

At the Ortonville, Minn, harvest festival last year Mrs. L. W. Lindstrom munched hard for the women’s corn-eating championship, finished second to Pauline Lewis who set a women’s record of 25 ears. Ed (“Korn King”) Kottwitz won the men’s championship with a world’s record of 37 ears. Last week at the festival, with two dozen waitresses rushing supplies from steaming boilers chocked with Golden Bantam corn, Mrs. Lindstrom, 71 and every tooth her own, beat Pauline Lewis, 22, by one ear with a new women’s record of 45 ears. Ed Kottwitz kept his championship by chomping down 50 ears.

Mrs. Lindstrom’s performance is the best performance by an eater over the age of 70 I am aware of.

It is surprising that an eating contest would be held during the trough of the Great Depression.


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