The episode of Cheap Seats where the Sklar brothers commentate on ESPN's 2005 telecast of the US Open of Competitive Eating can be viewed on youtube.


  1. Anonymous fan said

    February 17, 2013 @ 4:32 pm

    Sklar brothers are pretty dead on with their observations of Dale Boone

  2. anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 8:56 am

    Biggest scam event ever. Top 30 in the IFOCE rankings received automatic byes. They revised the rankings right after that announcement was made and certain eaters were dropped out of the top 30 like Seiken and a few others. The names that were not in the top 30 were placed in a closed door lottery pool. 10 eaters were picked from the lottery draw with Seiken name nowhere to be found. Seiken did go to Vegas but after throwing a temper tantrum on the internet threatening to close his site down. He was put on a standby basis with Lynn Curley but both never made it to the stage. Throughout most of the event Crazy Legs led a chant “Let Seiken eat” which caught on the same way as “give peace a chance” Instead Seiken had to earn his $500 another way by being assigned computer desk work ,calculating the amt of chews from each eater . BTW this is not Seiken

  3. Competitive Eating Fan said

    February 20, 2013 @ 11:36 am

    World Champion Dale Boone was the Show then.And even now for cheep seats. Espn beg them to let Boone do his thing. That he knew what it took to get competitive eating on TV. Noone listened. Now you never see any eating shows on tv anymore. Except Dale Boone.

  4. anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 12:17 pm

    Bitching about something that happened 8 years ago??? At least you got to go to Vegas for free!

  5. Anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 12:28 pm

    BTW not Seiken, awful lot of info to not be Seiken and story doesn’t shine a good light on him. Seems like CLegs supported him but still got smeared in the future. Hiding in plain sight says Seiken should stop looking for the usual suspects including someone’s mother.

  6. Wake up said

    February 20, 2013 @ 12:59 pm

    Would everyone PLEASE just not respond to anything about him. Even when you know it’s him under a different name. If his name is mentioned in any way just ignore it for gosh sakes. Everyone already knows that when his name comes up, it’s only him posting under a different name in a sad attempt to think he’s fooling anyone that anyone would care about what he thinks, has done, or does. He’s a terrible eater, has an awful personality, an idiotic website, he has no discernable talent, and should be a non enitity because he’s proven over and over again that he has nothing to offer. All those who complain about him here for hijacking sites deserve it by responding because they’re just feeding his warped desire for attention. He only wants to be someone who is talked about and not the true loser who’s life deserves to remain in obscurity. Sure when people stop responding to him, he’ll make up names and have conversations with himself. But, any sane people who respond to his inputs is beneath them. Insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

  7. anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 3:51 pm

    What does it matter how long ago it was? If oj rehashes. an 8 yr old contest hes a genius, if seiken rehashes hes an asshole. Its kissin but to the administrator in its purest form

  8. Anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 7:29 pm

    Any word on another U. S. Open type event?

  9. go to sleep said

    February 20, 2013 @ 7:42 pm

    Listen up 1259 you pathetic stalker. I can doing your herman Munster imitation . Jumping up and down ranting like a 5 yr old . PLEASE ignore him please ignore him. Its nothing against OJ . Its YOU and your mindless hatred towards one individual . I cannot even begin to fathom the two pathetic creatures that brought you into this earth. Hes not going anywhere. He will continue and continue to make your sorry ass cowardly life as miserable as possible until you have the gutts to reveal your identity. Ha ha ha

  10. Anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 9:24 pm

    Can we get back on topic?

  11. anonymous said

    February 20, 2013 @ 10:28 pm

    Can everyone. Please ignore wake up the jealous loser who’s only purpose in life is to wake up anytime she thinks its a seiken comment. There is only one legit seiken. Hater/stalker. and its YOU .You will be exposed very soon

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