Abuse room 2010 open thread
Some comments in the “Tough Mudder” thread not pertaining to Steakbellie’s charity efforts have been moved to this post.
- competitive eating
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Some comments in the “Tough Mudder” thread not pertaining to Steakbellie’s charity efforts have been moved to this post.
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anonymous said
April 16, 2010 @ 1:40 am
Gotta love how OJ delib ignores the MLE pickle contest in Sept as to not draw any attention whatsoever to Seiken. What a total childish asshole . 5,4 , 3 2 1 Good samaritan ignore Brian are you there yoo hoo
Teenage Wasteland said
April 16, 2010 @ 9:03 am
If I were OJ I’d ignore the pickle contest too…and anything else having to do with Brian Sicken for that matter. He’s done nothing but slander and complain about OJ and Eat Feats, why give him any spotlight now????
Shalom Clinic said
April 16, 2010 @ 9:54 am
Brian, Pickles? Really pickles, is that what we’re talking about here? Is this thread really the appropriate place to air your insecurities? We are talking about someone doing something to raise money for wounded vets. Something I would think even you could treat with respect, but again it’s all about you isn’t it. At some point you need to step back and look at the big picture.
beautifulbrian said
April 16, 2010 @ 3:57 pm
Its so reassuring to have such great competitive eating pals leaving those heartfelt comments. I did not leave that pickle comment. Shalom bitch for what its worth you have still failed to take me up on the offer to meet me face to face and identify yourself at a contest since you did mention that you will ignore me in the future. Scared? BTW i suggested a 20 inch dildo for your birthday which you have yet to accept. . As for the identity of teenage wasteland thats a no brainer “sicken” gave you away. It should have been the $10 question on who wants to be a millionaire . the name fits you to a science except for the teenage part. . I would change that to old fatbitch wasteland from oceanside ny. .
Anonymous said
April 16, 2010 @ 5:14 pm
Brian is nothing sacred?
beautifulbrian said
April 16, 2010 @ 5:47 pm
The only thing sacred to me is god. If there was a thread started about pickles then i would post on there and not on Steaks thread but someone decided to start it on here (not me) so i will end it. As far as your decision not to promote me or any associated with me on your blog Mr Rifkin that is your decision. As stated in the first comment , you are nothing but a selfish self centered fake. I could care less if not one individual on this site agrees with me or not. Every single one of you that have issues with me can kiss me where the sun dont shine . Isnt it so convieinient for most of you to hide behind your PC using anonymous identities to lash out at me. Shame on you and the mothers that created you for the more i rant the more i attract the alias vermin that preys on this eafeces 24/7 I will never ever post on here using my real identity ever again. If you want to use your imagination and compare another idiots text with mine be my guest because your life isnt worth the ground you stand on . So if the shoe fits wear it Janus, Crazy Legs Crazy legs mom, chapman and a few others whom most of you will be quite shocked when your names are revealed for all to witness. Have a nice day. Check that have a shitty day ! Good luck OJ for you are a true a** ho personified
Anonymous said
April 16, 2010 @ 7:13 pm
This is sure ton be popular, and BS will be its brightest star. Make that a shooting star, forever shooting off at the mouth.
anonymous said
April 16, 2010 @ 7:30 pm
The bashing of Brian crap has got to stop . Get a grip all of you
anonymous said
April 16, 2010 @ 11:15 pm
So fine for argument sake Brian drops off the face of the earth. Will that make all of you feel better? . What are you then left with?
"Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)
April 17, 2010 @ 12:24 am
Boo Hoo. BB need a ba ba?
Stevie Adnor said (Registered October 31, 2008)
April 17, 2010 @ 2:32 am
It’s been awhile, but so little has changed. It’s pathetic really.
I wish I really had the time or energy to get to know Beautiful Brian. I truly believe that he is a better person than the one he portrays here. I do think that – this has to be some kind of shtick he does for fun, it really does. I also honestly believe that deep down he has a good heart and is simply misunderstood. God, I really,really hope I’m right on this one.
I’m not going so far as to say that I understand, because honestly I don’t. Like most subjects of this blog, I really have little clue and I’m unashamed to admit it publicly. However; if this isn’t a joke then it’s just frankly disturbing on a number of levels, from both protagonist and antagonist viewpoints.
As I understand it, he once won a pickle contest many years ago. He also had or has some sort of CE-website. Many others, however have won many contests since, and some have developed very nice informative websites such as this one. I don’t quite understand the problem here. Honestly, if this isn’t a gag of some sort, I clearly need some help getting it.
Maybe someone could gently explain that Las Vegas is bleeding many outstanding Elvi impersonators, and while a pickle title some years ago is very nice, it’s kind of, well, might I say “historic.” Hanging one’s hat on either is…sad. That’s what leads me to think that this is a grand joke. I can’t imagine for a moment, although it don’t know him, that Brian really believes that either of these are anything other than a publicity stunt. Unfortunately I don’t understand why he or anyone else would so desperately crave attention from a forum such as this one, positive or negative. Responding in such a profane and aggressive way is just baffling to me, just reinforcing my idea that I “just don’t get it.”
Brian, I know you couldn’t care less about my opinion, and “no” I’m not interested in fighting about it or being spit upon (I pride myself on being a lady, if nothing else). I don’t think anyone is doing anything more to you than you are asking them to. If you are proud of your accomplishments, that’s great. If you strive for greater things in the future, that’s even better still.
One doesn’t succeed by trying to denigrate others’ accomplishments. One excels by rising above their previous efforts and setting a higher standard for others to then try to emulate. If this site annoys you, simply create a better one. If your title no longer holds its prominence, set a new one. If your persona has become tiresome and trite, reinvent yourself. People do these things every day. As I’ve said, unless this is a joke that some of us aren’t smart enough to follow, it might be time to take a “step up.”
anonymous said
April 17, 2010 @ 4:07 am
If Brian leaves give it about a week before the assholes on here find someone else to vent anger upon. It never fails on this site. Another loss another scapegoat will follow Ben are you out there ?
anonymous said
April 17, 2010 @ 7:18 pm
Every one is talking about extra plates in the Nathan hotdog contest, that aint nothing compared to all the bun residue in the cups some eaters use..If the judges dont check you can getaway with 10 buns or more and maybe some dogs too.
Teenage Wasteland said
April 19, 2010 @ 10:46 am
darn, I thought I was being original with my Brian “Sicken” joke. You mean to tell me it’s been done before????