Coney Island weather vs. Kobayashi’s results

Historical weather data from JFK airport (which presumably is the same as the weather on Coney Island) is available at Using this archive, it is difficult to discern any connection between the weather and Kobayashi’s performance at the Nathan’s finals.

(weather data is from approximately 12:50 pm)

2001 50 HDB 71.1 °F / 21.7 °C 93% humidity, overcast
2002 50.5 HDB 96.1 °F / 35.6 °C 40% humidity, partly cloudy
2003 44.5 HDB 81.0 °F / 27.2 °C 72% humidity, clear
2004 53.5 HDB 77.0 °F / 25.0 °C 64% humidity, mostly cloudy
2005 49 HDB 78.1 °F / 25.6 °C 48% humidity, scattered clouds
2006 53.75 HDB 84.9 °F / 29.4 °C 65% humidity, haze

Comments (3)


  1. Anonymous said

    June 30, 2007 @ 12:42 am

    Show me tidal charts from 12:50 every Fourth of July.

  2. Anonymous said

    June 30, 2007 @ 2:33 am

    There’s another OBVIOUS variable – how the hot dogs are cooked! Look at the Weinershnitzel Chili Cheese Fries totals this year vs. last year; it’s an indoor event so the temperature is the same.

  3. CONFUSE said

    June 30, 2007 @ 2:02 pm

    what time is the CONTEST ???

    I thought it was at 12 noon

    ESPN has it going til 1 pm

    help me

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