Joey Chestnut nominated for eater of the year
The endless simmer blog is having an online poll to determine the eater of the year. The choices are Joey Chestnut, The Locavore Four, Anthony Bourdain, Padma Lakshmi, Chocolate Jesus and Al Gore.
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The endless simmer blog is having an online poll to determine the eater of the year. The choices are Joey Chestnut, The Locavore Four, Anthony Bourdain, Padma Lakshmi, Chocolate Jesus and Al Gore.
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Anonymous said
December 11, 2007 @ 5:25 am
See thats what I mean youd think that Chestnut would be winning easily but hes not winning at all. No one really knows much about who he is. Bring back Koby and Cookie real men in a mens game.
Anonymous said
December 11, 2007 @ 5:29 am
I forgot to add that I remember when Joeys site used to be called the future of competitive eating and I have to agree because when I see his mug on the IFOCE link for future contests it is totally empty which is the way things are ggoing with the current crowd. Old school is needed and more specifically old school men.
WingKong said (Registered December 19, 2006)
December 11, 2007 @ 2:30 pm
Hands down Padma Lakshmi wins in my book…But I’ll still vote for Joey
December 11, 2007 @ 4:11 pm
Hands down for Pat Bertoletti,he come to put on a show and does it..
Joey said
December 11, 2007 @ 5:25 pm
Pat is a great competitor… But he is no Joey Chestnut.
If am dedicated to a contest nobody can beat me. Koby and Pat know it. You guys need to learn to love it.
Pat Bertoletti said
December 11, 2007 @ 6:16 pm
Joey’s my bitch, a gorilla can be trained to eat that many hotdogs and hamburgers. But a trained ape would have a hard time with waffles, sweets and other diverse foods though. A gorilla wouldn’t make excuses for losing either.
Joey said
December 11, 2007 @ 7:51 pm
no need for name calling…Son.
I really enjoy competitive eating and there is no need for me to push myself all the time.
When I let you win by the narrowest of margins, I know exactly what your capabilities are. it is not a coincidence that I dominate you in the important contests.
You had a chance at Krystals to step up and be a man. What happened?
When I need to get the job done, I do. (I wonder what happens in the last spike tv contest)
I retire more competitive eaters than obesity…
shazam said (Registered June 27, 2007)
December 12, 2007 @ 12:30 am
OJ — somehow I doubt that those three posts were actually by Joey and Pat. It’s not good for the site or the sport to allow posts by impostors. I’m not sure how you could verify identities, though.
Anonymous said
December 12, 2007 @ 4:01 am
I hope those comments were from Joey and Pat and I hope the farce of competitive eating kills itself so I can once again eat in peace. Really who gives a damn wheter one person can eat more than another? I think its more important to be healthy. I doubt too many competitive eaters will live to see their sixtieth birthday. Serves them right.
Anonymous said
December 12, 2007 @ 4:46 am
I agree with Bertoletti. In the past year he has defeated Joey about two thirds of the time proving hes the better eater. Jowy id his bitch.
December 12, 2007 @ 7:39 am
They both can’t hold my jock strap….and why would they want to?
Rhonda Evans said
December 12, 2007 @ 9:15 am
Food for thought …
When a person lauds himself he undermines his own value. Similarly, mudslinging tactics towards others deface the one on the offense.
That is why Kobayashi is the greatest. He has never resorted to such tactics and doesn’t need to, as his reputation as the world’s greatest eater, a class act, and a gentleman precede him.
Neither Joey Chestnut nor Pat Bertoletti are worthy of being at the same table as Kobayashi. Kobayashi has been a stalwart of greatness for half a decade. Joey and Pat are still in high chairs
The aforementioned duo have yet to earn their stripes, so to speak, and their lip flapping is causing them to write checks that their asses can’t cash.
Elliot Purdew said
December 12, 2007 @ 10:08 am
I wouldnt play into that bullshit . They are either imposters or the both of them set this up and are having a good laugh at your expense
I said
December 12, 2007 @ 10:28 am
why does oj pick and choose what gets thru??????????????? some comments are left out and some shit gets posted????????????
No Mercy Percy said
December 12, 2007 @ 11:21 am
How can you say it is at someone’s expense? Whether it’s bad sportsmanship or not, and whether it’s contrived or not, these exchanges are getting publicity and people are taking notice. If that’s what it takes to make people interested in competitive eating then so be it. OJ seems to be helping the cause so no one should blame him.
Anonymous said
December 12, 2007 @ 2:27 pm
Class act??? I seem to remember Kobayashi throwing-up and hiding under the table as he re-consumed his own vomit on international television. Gross!!! So gross in fact, ESPN edited it out of the replay. It was embarrassing to watch. Real class act though!!!
Anonymous said
December 12, 2007 @ 7:51 pm
Thanks rhonda, I’m sad to see that sonya, rich l. and tim have fallen from your graces. What happened anyways.
Anonymous said
December 13, 2007 @ 5:43 am
I dont see anything by Rhonda against anyone but Joey and Pat because of the comments those two made a couple of days ago and it looks to me like Rich, Tim, and Sonya are still her favorites but it looks like she feels extra sorry for Kobayashi. Actually, if Joey and Pat really did make those comments then I agree with Rhonda. Those two are speaking above their limits.
Rhonda Evans said
December 13, 2007 @ 7:42 am
Anonymous from 7:51 PM and any other “anonymussies” who do not give their own name: Regarding those comments I made from earlier in this thread. I, in no way, shape, or form indicated or hinted that Sonya, Rich or Tim have “fallen from my grace.” It is MUCH THE CONTRARY.
It’s a shame that the two top eaters do not aspire to their heights, as well as those of Crazy Legs, Koby, and Juliet, as gentleman and ladies. What goes up, will come down, and it is falling already.
endless simmer » Blog Archive » Eater of the Year Update said
December 13, 2007 @ 11:06 am
[…] If anyone can catch Tony, it looks like it’s gonna be the giant slayer himself, Joey Chestnut. New York Magazine wonders how you guys could consider anybody but Chestnut, but over at fEATs, some are claiming he isn’t even the best competitive eater of the year. […]
anonymous said
December 13, 2007 @ 11:25 am
Joey , the truth now. How many times to you have a reversal during your matches and nobody says anything.You had one at Nathans and at the turkey bowl.Its just that you youse two hands and you desciseit every time..Pat is the better eater
Rhonda Evans said
December 13, 2007 @ 12:42 pm
Pat is the better eater in most foods, hands-down. Joey is the better eater in only one category of foods — the sandwich-types. Pat deserves to be ranked # 1.
Joey said
December 13, 2007 @ 2:45 pm
I was told that the last spike tv contest will determine the new MLE ranking. We were not eating ham sandwiches.
I have said it several times. When I am motivated, I will not get beat.
When people say that my time on top is coming to an end, I laugh. I am just getting started and I honestly cannot see anybody challenging me in a big event.
I don’t mind the bitter people. They make victory sweeter
People need to understand that this is competitive eating not competitive nicing. lol
I hope to see all of you at a contest soon. Until then “stay hungry and focused”.
Rhonda Evans said
December 13, 2007 @ 3:30 pm
Joey how many times have you been motivated in the last dozen contests? I loved the Waffles. I thoroughly enjoyed the Jalapenos. I liked the turkey, had fun with the Ash Creek Ribs, and gravitated toward the grits.
Do you see a pattern? You might have dogs and burgers down, but Pat owns you on the bulk of the rest.
You’ve certainly done a great job of motivating Pat, and I’m sure he thanks you, just as I do.
Keep up the jaw-flapping Jaws. I enjoy abhoring you — they make Pat’s victories over you honey-sweet! 🙂