A burger with everything on it (everything = 54 things)
(from ahamburgertoday.com) At The Counter in Palo Alto, CA, there are 54 possible toppings for a burger. imeem.com has an account of an attempt to eat a burger with every available topping in under 30 minutes. The extra ingredients brought the weight of the sandwich from one pound to about 5 pounds.
Mega Munch said
August 22, 2006 @ 8:01 am
Remember when I said I never met a burger I didn’t like? Well, I’ve met one.
Becky Dixon said
August 22, 2006 @ 8:53 am
That is my real name . And i wasn’t being sarcastic . I feel terrible about the dog because i have one myself close to that age. Why dont all of you that ganged up on me get your head out of your asses and stop assuming there was a negative aspect to the remark. ASSHOLES!