No 2007 Opie & Anthony egg nog contest

In a previous comment, Pat Philbin reports that the Egg Nog Challenge will not be held by the Opie & Anthony show this year. There is some more information on this wackbag thread.

Comments (21)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    December 14, 2007 @ 10:20 am

    Pat, you (and many other quality eaters) would do well to stray from that ball-and-chain organization that is the IFOCE, so that you guys and gals can eat and have some gustatory freedom!

    If you all stick together, once the powers that be see that all they’re left with is the traveling road show of Joey, Pat, and two or three others, they’ll sing a different tune … and fast!

  2. anonymous said

    December 14, 2007 @ 10:58 am

    Someone should start an organization for mid ranked eaters like Subich, Bubba, Larue , Larry etc. . Old school retired eaters like Jarvis Krazy Kevin and Don Lerman could hop on board to add some publicity . Let the Sheas have Joey , Pat, Chip Tim and a few others that they will promote while Crazy Legs does commentary.The Shea’s will continue to plead with Sonya to compete or appear and whenever she turns them down they will call on Juliet to replace her. What it boils down to is that most of the midranked eaters will be hanging around like a bunch of fools as a cheering section for the top 5 . As long as you have the wild bill’s and pete miernicki’s just grateful to be competing against top level eaters, then you will only be adding fuel to an organization that promotes certain people and noone else

  3. anonymous said

    December 14, 2007 @ 12:11 pm

    There is an organization for those people. its called aice

  4. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    December 14, 2007 @ 12:52 pm

    Anonymous of 10:58 am – respectfully, SCREW YOU! How did I get drawn into this conversation? As far as why I compete, that it my business and no one else’s; it’s not because I’m GRATEFUL to be there! And, by the way, use a login, wussy!

  5. KevinRoss said

    December 14, 2007 @ 12:59 pm

    Don’t let the haters get to you Bill. I hope to see you at the next contest!

  6. Jake from SF said

    December 14, 2007 @ 1:39 pm

    Pat, you should be grateful that this event was cancelled. You dignity should be worth more than the little bit of exposure you would get from this event. You are a quality competitive eater and person and will get what you deserve eventually.

  7. Mega Munch said

    December 14, 2007 @ 1:47 pm

    The UEPa will always be here for you Wild Bill. What we lack in prize money, we make up for in cool t-shirts and comradery!

  8. Homer said

    December 14, 2007 @ 3:49 pm

    you gots to keep you dignity…….mmmmmmmm eggnog

  9. mike landrich said

    December 14, 2007 @ 6:00 pm

    More anonymous assholes. Imagine that. Wild Bill, don’t let these spineless little bitches get to you. While we’re on stage, where are they? In the bathroom, manning the gloryhole. It’s their own form of an eating contest.

  10. Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)

    December 14, 2007 @ 8:34 pm

    Anonymous 10:58 am, i’ll tell you why Bill competes, it’s the same reason I compete in Nathan’s and do the things I do on O&A, it’s because we enjoy doing it, regardless of winning or losing. There’s no need to be “grateful”, all ANYONE has to do is register for a contest (before it’s full) and they’re in.
    The organization has done a good job of killing my enthusiasm for the “Sport” of competitive eating, meaning I don’t give a shit about rankings, points, etc. anymore, but if I think i’ll have fun competing in a contest, i’ll register for it.

  11. USMALE said (Registered September 4, 2007)

    December 14, 2007 @ 10:11 pm

    I am new to the IFOCE & competitive eating world but PAT, you could not have read my mind any better. It is about the enthusiam of being there and doing your best. I have met so many awesome people in the few events I have done and I wish we could all be in 1st place.

    Wild Bill is a class guy and I am was just as honored to be on stage with him as I was Joey, Eater X and the others. “F” the haters Bill.

  12. Badlands Booker said

    December 15, 2007 @ 10:52 pm

    Keep Doing Ya Thing Wild Bill, Let the Haters hate ’cause thats all they can do! u r the Man in my book!

  13. mike landrich said

    December 16, 2007 @ 1:33 am

    As usual, Badlands Booker shows his class. Its amazing how the guys who know one another as competitors stick together.

    All you haters, take notes on how to behave in public

  14. Stoney Rockhead said

    December 16, 2007 @ 7:21 am

    Pat, me relate. Ogg and Alley Oop cancel Pterydactyl Egg Cactus Cooler contest on me. Me make no extra rocks for competing, but it fun. Haters say it make me look stupid. Them dumb. It fun to eat like bull, no listen to bulls..t.
    And Badlands, you know what them say, you mess with bull, you get horns! Remind me of you new CD, it rock!! Anunymouse need to buy it on you Badlands MySpace page, it make you happy, not hate. You class guy, Badlands. You front of new album make you look like me cave drawing me do lots. You make comeback with MLE, Mammoth Lovin Eaters,anytime.
    But stay hungry and focused, or we eat you left leg. Sometime we go cannibal, you know. It not contest, just survival – just ask me pal, Crazy One Legs. Him no take it personal, but me watch me back around him, still. He go Tyson any time, I got good-looking ear.

  15. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    December 16, 2007 @ 8:05 am

    Thanks again, to all of you whom I’ve met, competed with and commented here – the haters just don’t get it, do they?

  16. Carey said

    December 16, 2007 @ 5:28 pm

    If I remember correctly, Brian started that fight with Arnie. yes, that is exactly what happened.

  17. Fred Flintsone said

    December 17, 2007 @ 8:08 am

    Crazy One Legs just fall down….again. Me wanna comment bout how me like to club haters to death, but gotta go help Crazy stand up. Me wearing SaberTooth Ear muffs in case he go real crazy. Stoney scare me with ear eating comment.

    Me think haters bug Bronto Brian cause he get so mad when they do. Him like me little caveman pal, Barney. Fun to tease, even though we love him. Haters, hopefully, just bored, not mean like Tyrannusaurus Rex. That one bad dude – when he come after you – it no tease, it serious!! Me run away so fast me get speeding ticket, and aching feet!!

    Gotta go, Crazy One Legs may eat him other leg, we have to change name to Crazy Stump.

  18. Stoney Rockhead said

    December 18, 2007 @ 2:45 am

    me no like kiddie comment either, keep you stuff and hits above loincloth, and high brow. Me have unibrow, in case you wonder.

  19. Carey said

    December 18, 2007 @ 10:15 am

    I just think it is stupid that he starts all of these fights, with Jarvis, Arnie, Lerman…. I remember I used to support him, like when his picture was taken down at the Carnegie Deli, or when he wasn’t let back stage at a contest last year…. and then he mis reads one of my comments and flips out spewing a bunch of hate at me. I had people tell me they didn’t know what happened, like he was rabid or something.

  20. Dr. Phillips Head said

    December 18, 2007 @ 10:57 am

    you know, too many pickles can make even the nicest person sour. Everyone has their G spot, BB’s is more like a big oil spill spot that covers two continents. That means grouch spot, by the way. I think you accidently hit BB right between the dills.
    Don’t worry about it. You know you are a good person, people like you, and BB may have been extra pickled that day. The holidays can be a stressful time, and if you can’t yell at the one you love, yell at the one you’re with. I think Crosby, Stills, and Nash said that.
    If you two are willing, I will pay for counseling..just send me a small $10,000 deposit that I will refund to you, someday. This is just to get the process started, and let the healing begin. I feel better already when I think of all that money. I’m glad I could help.

  21. Anonymous said

    December 18, 2007 @ 11:39 am

    Thats funnier than shit.


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