An IAmA interview thread for Jamie "The Bear" McDonald was started on, but no questions were answered and the id of the user who started the thread has been deleted.  


  1. anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 10:16 am

    Please please i beg of you it only takes 5 seconds to vote for Jamie. Vote vote vote. Remember if he wins it is money in his pocket and not yours

  2. Just send cash said

    February 28, 2014 @ 11:22 am

    Please please please just send Jamie some money. The more the better. Send multiple amounts multiple times. Help him live his dream since your dream doesn’t matter.

  3. anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 1:33 pm

    The arrogance of some people never ceases to amaze me . How bout eat for free at his restaurant each time you vote? That might help

  4. Anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 4:27 pm

    You have no idea how many people he has stabbed in the back to gain his success.

  5. anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 5:21 pm

    Did not know that 427. I did notice that close to a year ago he was liking many of his Facebook friends posts. I am assuming it was only because he was happy that he opened his restaurant

  6. Anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 6:19 pm

    Jamie’s desperation is unattractive.

  7. Anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 10:00 pm

    He may even become the next BeautifulBrian on here.

  8. Anonymous said

    February 28, 2014 @ 10:16 pm

    Unlikely 10:00pm, Jamie can at least eat.

  9. Anonymous said

    March 1, 2014 @ 8:47 am

    Jamie also doesn’t troll all day on this site and run a dopey blog no one reads

  10. anonymouis said

    March 1, 2014 @ 10:39 am

    The only losers are people like you 847 that visit this site all the time because the word FOOD instead of SEX is the only word in your vocabulary. Dumb fuck

  11. anonymouis said

    March 2, 2014 @ 8:26 am

    I think its quite clear that by bringing Seiken into the conversation when his name has nothing to do with this thread, is just another way of setting him up for hateful bullcrap comments . Stop trying to start friction between Seiken and Jamie . Seiken has nothing against Jamie Mcdonald

  12. anonymouis said

    March 2, 2014 @ 9:18 am

    Unless Jamie has some sort of media connection with go daddy he wont win a dime. Maybe brother Joe is taking care of the public relations. Booker video with go daddy won 3rd prize 3yrs ago . 5 grand i think ? but the video was creative and produced by reputable producer with lots of $$$. I believe the Sheas hooked him up with this guy . However after the money was split up between him the producer and the Sheas , he took home practically peanuts

  13. vote vote said

    March 2, 2014 @ 6:16 pm

    Ok you all we are in the final hour, here it is a shameless bribe. If we can get over 100 new votes and shares, or just a share if you already have voted in the next hour I will award one person FREE BBQ FOR A YEAR in the form of 12 $40 gift certificates. I will even ship it if you live outside of the area! You don’t get much better than that.

  14. anonymouis said

    March 2, 2014 @ 9:31 pm

    I guess all that vote vote vote was enough for Jamie to stuff the ballot box with the same people family friends voting multiple times per minute. Instead of earning money through hard work and sweat like business owners did in the old days, he wins money the easy way through a marketing scheme. Good luck cheating your way into a second business.

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