Number of IFOCE contests by state
Here are top 10 states for IFOCE contests since the start of 2003 according to the eatfeats database. The list includes scheduled contests.
80 NY
*51 NV
23 CA
23 PA
22 TN
21 GA
19 FL
19 NJ
19 TX
11 AZ
*(Nevada has 21 contests if the US Open is counted as a single contest and not 31 individual matchups)
A listing of the remaining states follows after the jump:
9 SC
8 LA
8 VA
8 IL
8 OR
7 MD
7 CT
7 NC
6 MA
5 WI
5 MS
5 AL
5 NM
4 OH
3 ME
3 MN
3 MO
2 NE
2 AR
2 IN
2 WA
2 UT
2 IA
2 MI
2 OK
1 HI
1 SD
1 CO
1 DC
1 ND
1 DE
Anonymous said
May 1, 2008 @ 12:32 pm
Texas has had at least two, if Kolaches and Beans are food.