The Kitchn has a list of Miki Sudo's advice for Thankgiving eating.
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who cares said
November 20, 2015 @ 7:46 am
no one
cut the crap said
November 20, 2015 @ 8:24 am
she should give advice to ranked members or unranked members that get the same bullshit excuse about first come first serve due to overwhelming demand when they try to register for Thanksgiving contest at Foxwood when in reality the contest is reserved for PETS ONLY !
i agree said
November 20, 2015 @ 3:23 pm
i agree 8;24 . so many good eaters were DENYIED entry to foxwood . only favorites get invited . it’s BULLSHT ! always same blah blah watelist … blah blah demand . mle only lets their fav eaters win money . all a scam . a scam !!
anonymous said
November 21, 2015 @ 2:12 am
The last sentence of their fake lying ass waitlist email should read Note: this is a feed the PETS only event
anonymous said
November 21, 2015 @ 11:58 am
Lot of complaining going on here. It is not first-come, frist-served. The top-ranked eaters will get priority, as will certain celebrities, like the Mayor in Elk Grove for pumpkin pie. Is anyone saying they were denied in favor of a lower ranked eater? Which lower-ranked eater got in ahead of you? Wild Bill??
Anonymous said
November 21, 2015 @ 3:35 pm
Wah wah wah, I didn’t get in. Suck it up buttercup because it looks like MLE doesn’t want you there. Each contest must be competitive and then throw in a few table enders that appreciate a bone thrown their way on occasion. Don’t like it, start your own league.
anonymous said
November 21, 2015 @ 9:26 pm
Wild Bill is considered their ambassador to the sport.Conti can eat 1.2 lbs for the rest of his competitive eating career and they will always find a spot for him.Goya ? They know she has some issues so as a courtesy she gets a spot
anonymous said
November 21, 2015 @ 10:39 pm
I think these are the issues MLE uses to decide who goes:
1. ranking
2. sponsor preference
3. racial/gender considerations
4. how close the eater is to the contest
5. boosts the MLE brand, despite lack of eating ability, using things like personality or image or reporting (like CLC, Juan, Mary Bowers, Seiken years ago)
6. volunteers to do administrative tasks (like Myers)
7. if they owe an eater something (like they have waitlisted a contracted eater too much, so now they need to throw them a bone)
8. order of registration
9. local celebrity
10. local amateur eater
11. good eater not ranked in APE, but not in MLE either
12. loyalty and age (e.g., Larell Marie Mele, Lefevres)
13. other (feel sorry for them)
anonymous said
November 21, 2015 @ 10:41 pm
“5. boosts the MLE brand, despite lack of eating ability, using things like personality or image or reporting (like CLC, Juan, Mary Bowers, Seiken years ago)”
My apologies. Obviously, Juan is a great eater. Should have said either:
“5. boosts the MLE brand, despite lack of eating ability, using things like personality or image or reporting (like CLC, Mary Bowers, Seiken years ago)”
“5. boosts the MLE brand, despite POTENTIAL lack of eating ability, using things like personality or image or reporting (like CLC, Juan, Mary Bowers, Seiken years ago)”
anonymous said
November 22, 2015 @ 7:12 am
Being an elder statesman with MLE for quite some time i have to agree with 1039 who hit it right on the head Sounds like a Menchetti post but who knows?
Anonymous said
November 22, 2015 @ 7:20 am
Juan sucks as an eater. Why is this being discussed?
anonymous said
November 22, 2015 @ 7:24 am
If you saw Danielle sobbing uncontrollably in the arms of George Shea after a canoli contest in Brooklyn last year , one would assume there was a death in the family when the sobbing was about her dad screwing her out of 4th place claiming he ate more than she did. I think after that Shea made up his mind that she gets lifetime confirmation to future MLE contests regardless of who registers before her
anonymous said
November 22, 2015 @ 7:42 am
You left out one important note. George standing over Sam the sham as they go over the email of registrants for Foxwood or for that matter any contest. ” Confirm him ” “Confirm him” “Waitlist him” etc etc Get the pic all you newbies out there that still believe the waitlist theory due to overwhelming demand?
anonymous said
November 22, 2015 @ 12:12 pm
Brian, I would be upset too if my own father screwed me out of the money, only to have you (dirty old man with imaginary girlfriend) hit on me.