Next poll: most notable no-show in competitive eating history

The next poll will ask what you think is the most significant instance of a competitor missing a contest after announcing he or she would compete. Here are the current choices. Please add others you think should be added in the comments. (I am not considering an absence a no-show if it was announced before the contest or due to medical reasons.)

  • Ian Hickman, does not compete in 2011 Madison Food Court contest after recording four commericials to promote contest.
  • Grace Lee, misses the 2011 Newnan, GA Nathan’s qualifier after doing a radio appearance about competing the week before. (There is still no mention of the absence on her facebook. )
  • Brad Sciullo, skips the 2011 Wing Bowl after qualifying for it.
  • Brad Sciullo, does not appear at the 2010 Pizza Slaughter Fest after doing a news video about the contest.

Comments (8)


  1. Larell Marie Mele said

    May 23, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

    Sometimes flights are cancelled/delayed causing missed contests but am figuring that can’t be considered no-show? Like w/medical reasons?

  2. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    May 23, 2011 @ 12:34 pm

    How about Kratchie no show @ 2001 Coney Island finals.

    This was after attending the cocktail party & participating in media the night before.

  3. Anonymous said

    May 23, 2011 @ 12:45 pm

    Lets not forget Oleg Zhornitsty no-show at the 2005 Nathan’s final after winning the last qualifying spot.

  4. Dis Graced said

    May 23, 2011 @ 2:13 pm

    I don’t think Grace Lee should really be classified as a competitive eater she’s just pretty gal who plays one on the internet to promote local Atlanta eateries. Kevin Costner may have played a baseball player or a golf pro, but he’s an actor and so is Lee. I think Lee never really intended on going to the qualifier she just used the local hype to get more attention to herself and her business. She had to know she wasn’t a good enough eater (barely two hotdogs in two minutes was pretty pathetic). But, since her spiel is tell the local media she an undefeated eater (she leaves out at staged, speeded up video events) any real exposure such as a Nathan’s qualifier to her eating talents, or lack of, doesn’t fit with her business model. I’d be willing guarantee that she won’t be doing any other Nathan’s qualifiers. There’s just no money in it for her. I’m not hating, that’s just the logical way of looking at it.

  5. SPBBBBMBBB said

    May 23, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

    I did 2 radio spots promoting Charlotte two years ago…then had a family “thing” come up, and had to no-show…heard it was 98 degrees in the un-shaded parking lot…kind of not-too-upset about missing that one

  6. Cutter said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    May 23, 2011 @ 3:53 pm

    speaking as a person who wants to compete and table ender, it would have to take a medical catastrophy or a funeral to no show a large event. you never know how many opportunities to compete will come along. i got a staph infection in my nose treated 3 days before vegas wing bowl. i broke my arm 23 days before a nathans qualifier. these chances dont come by all the time. other more qualified eaters probably can write of a big event now and then because they will get to participate in more of them regardless.

  7. Willy said

    May 23, 2011 @ 11:17 pm

    somebody needs to show at Lees next event to spoil the undefeated thing(bogus)

  8. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 24, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

    I have to go with Oleg Zhornitzky no-showing at the 2005 Nathan’s Finals. That was a shocker!

    I can only remember Oleg C-eating once after that, at the US Open of CE in Vegas later that month.

    I’m glad A-May 23, 12:45 brought that up. Thanks!

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