Katina Eats Kilos has started selling merchandise.


  1. Anonymous said

    August 3, 2020 @ 12:24 pm

    Lol ok

  2. Anonymous said

    August 4, 2020 @ 3:43 am

    Why tho

  3. Anonymous said

    August 4, 2020 @ 9:27 pm

    I lift to barf?

  4. Anonymous said

    August 5, 2020 @ 2:16 am

    She isn’t fooling the real eaters. Maybe the kilo krew thinks she keeps it down .

  5. Anonymous said

    August 5, 2020 @ 8:43 am

    Maybe she will be like Raina and find a CE boyfriend to “advance” her career and use them up and spit them out. We all know Mz Sucko is usitge the meathead so she doesn’t have to work. The world isn’t blind. Clocks are ticking. Ring ring.

  6. Katina eats, Santel gains kilos said

    August 8, 2020 @ 4:21 pm

    Perfect couple

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