interviews Takeru Kobayashi – says Nathan’s prizes not payed out has an interview with Takeru Kobayashi about competing in the Crif Dog Classic. Kobayashi says he never received winning prize money from Nathan’s, but during his 2001-06 winning streak Nathan’s did not award prizes. In the years Kobayashi was runner-up, 2007-09, $5,000 was awarded for second place. It is unclear if he received those amounts.

update Team Kobayashi says the runner-up prizes were not payed out in a twitter response.

update June 28 Rich Shea says that Kobayashi is not telling the truth, but he does not explicitly state that the $5000 prizes designated for the Nathan’s runner-up were paid out.

Comments (21)


  1. anonymous said

    June 27, 2012 @ 1:35 pm

    Funny how we haven’t heard about this before. I’m sure if the money was not paid to everyone else from 2007-2009 we would have heard a general outcry here. Aside from the fact that he should have been DQ’d at the 2007 contest and gotten NO money.

  2. anonymous said

    June 27, 2012 @ 1:37 pm

    Maybe he considered the 15 grand from 2007 to 2009 as his appearance fee. Or someone on Team Kobayashi told him that’s what the checks were for.

  3. 15K in limbo said

    June 27, 2012 @ 2:00 pm

    OR maybe MLE took advantage of Koby by him not being an American citizen and didn’t give him his just dues!

    bottom line is, lets not sling mud at MLE or Koby until we know the truth is clearified or investigated more… if it that ever happens.

  4. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    June 27, 2012 @ 2:04 pm

    Team Rhonda thinks the concept of Team Kobayashi is a bunch of shit.

  5. Anonymous said

    June 27, 2012 @ 6:07 pm

    Team Rhonda sleuths well. Team K. is Maggie James and a few friends, unfortunate but true. And I must say that I am very surprised that they would claim that Kobayashi received no money as prizes. Whatever they are calling it, Kobayashi received regular pay for appearances. Because he did not live in the US and usually only came for Nathans, there was no need for a more complex contract. Once he moved to the US that is when the pigeon guck hit and the rest is unfortunately history, past, present and future. It is a real shame because he has great talent. Going out on your own is one thing but trying to continue to take down the people who were your previous “company” really does nothing to elevate your status. He did not make MLE, MLE did not make him, it was some of both. Free Kobayashi is way played out and no longer makes any sense. Of course you do not have to believe what I write, I am writing anonymously. Once again, the truth will never ever come out for sure because the only people who know are MLE and Kobayashi, the rest is rumors and speculation or bits of information. No need to slam anyone.

  6. Dave Wagner said (Registered July 6, 2011)

    June 27, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

    No need to slam anyone? Have you forgotten where you are posting, lol?

  7. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    June 27, 2012 @ 9:00 pm

    If the prizes were paid, showing the cancelled check or other bank statement would be an easy way to disprove Kobayashi’s allegation.

  8. anonymous said

    June 27, 2012 @ 11:06 pm

    Rhonda used to be pro Koby before he went solo . Rhonda is also pro Sonya and Legs . Put that together and what does it tell you?

  9. Anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 2:22 am

    Rhonda is Rich Shea ir George Shea.

  10. Anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 3:17 am

    Rhonda also defends Kobi at times. She is also pro LML Stephanie Torres Booker and many other. What does that tell you?

  11. Anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 6:54 am

    6. What would surprise people to learn about you?

    That I actually never received my winning prize money from any of the nine years I took part in Coney Island.

    Oj is correct of course. But this is not the place for copies of the checks to appear, MLE doesn’t report to eatfeats. However, if this is not true, I am certain that MLE is all over this one. But honestly, the truth doesn’t matter in most ways, Kobi has in print in a long article really stuck it to MLE. They have to be incredibly embarrassed by such publicity. If it is not true, that it is really libelous, what responses does MLE have? A lawsuit of course, a cease and desist, something like that. Can you just imagine the fun Koby and his “team” will have with that. This is publicity which is hard to buy. Plus it never says that he spoke through a translator, but we all know that he cannot possibly speak in the kind of English in which he was quoted. Again, it doesn’t matter, he comes off looking like the true spirit of freedom and isn’t this a great country, MLE looks like the opposite.

  12. Rhonda Evans said

    June 28, 2012 @ 7:46 am

    It turns me off to see private issues such as this up for discussion in public—-another detriment of the Internet and social networking.

  13. Anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 8:04 am

    There is simply absolutely no way he was not paid his $5000 for each of the three years. That is ridiculous. But he has planted that claim, and it is going to cause trouble. He should issue a retraction or the writer (whose name is not listed by the way and comments are closed) should. Lost in translation.

  14. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    June 28, 2012 @ 9:22 am

    If the issue was getting paid, it would have been brought up a loooong time ago when all this contract nonsense started. My guess is that he wasnt paid the $5,000 because he was given a separate compensation package that was much higher and was guaranteed regardless of where he placed. Koby should be very careful what he is saying, its serious business to claim you weren’t compensated.

  15. anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 10:18 am

    I would tend to believe him . For those that have been with MLE during the early stages, it took forever to get paid their prize winnings Just ask Ed Jarvis. This goes back as far as Russian Pelmeni 2002. Then again that sponsor was ruthless. Eventually you got paid but you had to wait forever and hound the Sheas constantly for your money. Sometimes as long as a year. Unless the sponsor has a check waiting for you immediate after the event, better find another source to pay the bills. The best way to find out if Kobayashi actually got his money from Nathans , is to ask Joey if he got his

  16. Anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 10:24 am

    Really 10:18 BB, enough is enough. You should leave MLE immediately, then say whatever you want.

  17. anonymous said

    June 28, 2012 @ 10:34 am

    If Rhonda is actually George or Rich Shea then it is obvious they have a hell of a lot of free time on their hands with nothing better to do or commercial real estate has been extremely slow over the past 7yrs.

  18. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    June 28, 2012 @ 1:26 pm

    If you think Koby kept flying over here, YEAR AFTER YEAR to compete despite the compensation not being paid, then you also think that Koby is the dumbest person ever. He was not hoodwinked because he does not speak fluent English. Getting paid is the same concept in every language.

    Ask yourself this, if he wasnt getting paid, then how was he affording to even live? I never saw any indication that he had any kind of standard job.

    I wish he’d move on and stop destroying his legacy. Libel will get him eating words instead of hot dogs.

  19. Pondering said (Registered July 22, 2010)

    June 29, 2012 @ 7:29 am

    This article is a doozey. So he hired a public relations team and has his first wow moment but I really think he is going to be very sorry that he told an untruth big time about money and payment from Nathans. That is going to haunt him.

  20. Anonymous said

    June 29, 2012 @ 10:03 am

    7:29 r u nutz? What untruth. Who do ya think has more credibilty. MLE? Sheas? Who routinley gets accussed of manipulating (example nearly every CLC “win” is tainted) contest left and right (hopefully news organizations are now looking deeper into because of the ripping off of Kobi, a legend)? Lets see who the public and percieves as the liars? If MLE pushes the issue they will be exposed

  21. beautifulbrian said

    June 29, 2012 @ 10:16 am

    Anonymous said
    June 28, 2012 @ 10:24 am

    Really 10:18 BB, enough is enough. You should leave MLE immediately, then say whatever you want.

    If i ever find out who you are i will kick the living shit out of you in front of a large comp eating crowd. Yeah and take that to heart cause i mean it !

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