Thrillist has a blog entry about the challenge offered by the Cowtown Diner in Fort Worth which consists of 64 oz. of chicken fried steak, 6 pounds of mashed potatoes and 10 slices of Texas toast.


  1. KevinRoss said

    March 12, 2010 @ 11:12 pm

    That challenge looks way too difficult for there not to be some kind of prize. I mean, they give it to you for free, but it essentially looks impossible to all but the very best eaters in the world. Greedy I tells ya.

  2. gastroboy said

    March 13, 2010 @ 9:07 am

    It’s doable if you eat a lot; with no time limit it’s not closed to speed eaters only. From body builders to runners and rugby players, someone is probably gonna make it. But it should have a price anyway.

    Just for fun Kevin, I know of a rertaurant that serves a 27.5 pounds burger and if one person finishes it all on his own, they get it for free plus whatever they order for themselves to eat in that very same sitting, no price.

    You’re not gonna lose a lot of money giving any of these challenges a price, say a free trip or 200$.

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