Fort Worth diner starts 10+ lb. chicken fried steak challenge
Star Telegram reports that the Cowtown Diner in Fort Worth has started a chicken fried steak challenge consisting of 4 pounds of meat, 6 pounds of potatos and 10 slices of Texas toast. The meal is estimated to have 10,000 calories and is free to anyone who can finish it.
An 8 pound chicken fried steak challenge (with 4.5 pounds of meat) in Spokane had 850 unsuccessful attempts before 125 pound Mandy Brown completed it in 1992.
Lucrative Washington state eating challenges past & present
Big Al’s in Vancouver, WA (north Portland, OR area) has a 10 pound burger challenge that will award a 46 inch TV, a Sony home theater surround sound system and a Sony Play Station 3 to a diner who completes it. It is not clear if the prize package will be awarded to the first finisher, the fastest finisher or if all finishers will be entered into a lottery.
One of the largest previous eating challenge payouts also occurred in Washington State. The Google News archive has a column about Mandy Brown, a school bus driver weighing 125 pounds, being the first to complete a meal billed as the world’s largest chicken fried steak at Thudpucker’s restaurant in Spokane in 1992. There were 850 previous unsuccessful attempts at the challenge before Ms. Brown finished it in 84 minutes and she received a prize of $1,200.