1907 South Jersey eating contest

Philly.com has an article mentioning an eating contest held in Burlington, New Jersey a century ago:

A friend, doing research for a book, was browsing through microfilm in the Lehigh University library last week when he found an item headlined “Man Eats 33 Sandwiches.”

The story was from the South Bethlehem Globe of Dec. 9, 1907, and was datelined Burlington, N.J.

Arthur Wilcox (it said) of Burlington ate 33 ham sandwiches, four dozen small pickles, and two pounds of cheese during an eating match in which he was pitted against a man from Delanco. He washed the grub down with 12 cups of coffee.

Comments (3)


  1. KevinRoss said

    February 11, 2007 @ 10:02 pm

    WTF? So apparently in 1907 cheese was a side dish rather than being part of a sandwich. I learn something new every day. Hopefully all the contestants had jaunty handlebar moustaches and the loser challenged the victor to fisticuffs afterwards, citing that “He’d give him a good trashing. What ho!”

  2. anonymous said

    February 12, 2007 @ 12:49 am

    Arthur Wilcox was Lermans fathers name. Now were stealing from the entire Lerman clan

  3. Anonymous said

    February 12, 2007 @ 12:19 pm

    His prize was an iron outhouse and a stack of well crumpled newspapers. It still stands and has been bronzed and still covers its original “dung pit”. An ongoing investigation is delving into the possibility of it and it alone being the cause of the foul odor on Long Island.

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