60 inch pizza at The Pizza Machine

(from Man vs. Food message board) The Pizza Machine in Springfield, Illinois, whose previous claim to fame was a 40 inch pizza that was delivered by crane, now has a 60 inch pizza. At 2827 square inches, the area of the pizza exceeds the area of the 52 inch square pizza from Big Mama’s & Papa’s Pizza in Los Angeles by 123 square inches. The 60 inch pizza must apparently be purchased in combination with a party package at a cost of $350. No eating challenge for the 60 inch pizza is listed. The pizza appeared on Country Fried Home Videos on CMT.

Comments (3)


  1. anonymous said

    December 18, 2008 @ 2:33 pm

    Is this all there is to discuss? 70 inch pizzas that nobody can finish and boring winbbowl stunts? I think don lerman is much more interesting at this point

  2. timothy joel sarvida said

    October 28, 2010 @ 12:46 am

    we have the biggest pizza in the world that nobdy can beat… were doing the pizza in whole not in half, please watch our videos in youtube just type EL BUONO PIZZA thank you.

  3. anonymous said

    October 28, 2010 @ 12:51 am

    yeah i saw that in youtube… yeah that pizza is huge, i hope i can visit your store soon. im from brooklyn do have a store here??

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