IFOCE.com announces that registration for the the World Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich Eating Championship at the Isle Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi will open on December 7 and the purse will be $5,000. Notorious B.O.B. Shoudt stated he will compete in a philly.com article.
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December 4, 2009 @ 2:41 pm
Must…begin…begging…wife. I hope there’s a prize for 8th place!
beautifulbrian said
December 4, 2009 @ 8:37 pm
OJ Not that im looking for trouble but whats this problem you have with my website? dont be bashful lets get it out in the open ok?
Badlands Booker said (Registered October 9, 2008)
December 4, 2009 @ 10:32 pm
Congrats B.O.B!
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 7:32 am
Brian why do you even need to ask that question? Look at all the times you trashed this site in Bits. (Eatfeces?) You should be thankful that OJ doesn’t fight fire with fire. He’s bigger than that. Not touting you as much as you’d like is certainly not having a problem with you. It is you who owes OJ a gigantic, long, apology.
nunonabun said
December 5, 2009 @ 9:32 am
I just hope they let me in this one
beautifulbrian said
December 5, 2009 @ 10:19 am
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 7:32 am
Brian why do you even need to ask that question? Look at all the times you trashed this site in Bits. (Eatfeces?) You should be thankful that OJ doesn’t fight fire with fire. He’s bigger than that. Not touting you as much as you’d like is certainly not having a problem with you. It is you who owes OJ a gigantic, long, apology.
You (jackass) are the main reason i hang around the abuse room or for any room in this site. You (jackass) that always refers to me as “Brian” was setup. once again. I expected you to chime in and you did. Your life is sitting by the PC waiting for me to say something negative and i will continue to do so hoping that you will slip up in your text so we can bring you to justice. As i reinterated in the past. MYOFB I think you know what those initials stand for. This has nothing to do with you. Can’t OJ speak for himself unless you are OJ? Until i gather enough info which will reveal your IP and location , then i will remain on here temporarily . I dont apologize to anonymous adminiistrators. I think you are the one that needs to apologize to me and to your mother for being YOU!
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 11:03 am
B-R-I-A-N you are allowing the whole world to see you for the jerk you are. My mom absolutely adores me. Oh, she’s very proud. It is you that haven’t a clue. She and I could both teach you some decent basic values, because you seem to need a lesson. You’re lucky that some of the eaters you get along with don’t chime in. As stupid as you seem to be you’d probably be surprised.
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 11:21 am
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 7:32 am
Brian why do you even need to ask that question? Look at all the times you trashed this site in Bits. (Eatfeces?) You should be thankful that OJ doesn’t fight fire with fire. He’s bigger than that. Not touting you as much as you’d like is certainly not having a problem with you. It is you who owes OJ a gigantic, long, apology.
You (jackass) are the main reason i hang around the abuse room or for any room in this site. You (jackass) that always refers to me as “Brian” was setup. once again. I expected you to chime in and you did. Your life is sitting by the PC waiting for me to say something negative and i will continue to do so hoping that you will slip up in your text so we can bring you to justice. As i reinterated in the past. MYOFB I think you know what those initials stand for. This has nothing to do with you. Can’t OJ speak for himself unless you are OJ? Until i gather enough info which will reveal your IP and location , then i will remain on here temporarily . I dont apologize to anonymous adminiistrators. I think you are the one that needs to apologize to me and to your mother for being YOU!
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 12:13 pm
Excellent piece Book! If you had not put Seiken’s mug in there, we would never hear the end of his crying. That was thoughtful. Now I need to visit his site for a sympathy visit to cheer his ass up.
A-Bomb said (Registered May 7, 2009)
December 5, 2009 @ 12:24 pm
Brian, how do you intend to do the technically impossible for a third party and “gather enough info which will reveal [his] IP and location?
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 1:19 pm
so PB&B sandwiches huh?
beautifulbrian said
December 5, 2009 @ 2:26 pm
A bomb i can honestly say that you are on the A -1 list of possible suspects. . As far as info i have ways of getting to the route of the problem
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 2:36 pm
Brian you did not answer his question.
Big Sexy said
December 5, 2009 @ 2:44 pm
Hey BB, I don’t know you, never met you, never heard about anything you’ve ever done… I”m new to this…. But it really doesn’t make any sense for you to call people out on EVERY thread on the page. If you have some beef with somebody (OJ), he doesn’t hide his email address…. Email him. But please stop tryin to have a piss match on here. It should be about eating and eating only.
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 3:12 pm
Big Sexy, you already know him.
Big Sexy said
December 5, 2009 @ 3:43 pm
Never met the guy before.
beautifulbrian said
December 5, 2009 @ 3:48 pm
OJ has been emailed a number of times concerning this situation but refuses to respond . That is why i post alot more frequently of late
beautifulbrian said
December 5, 2009 @ 3:54 pm
Anonymous said
December 5, 2009 @ 11:03 am
B-R-I-A-N you are allowing the whole world to see you for the jerk you are. My mom absolutely adores me. Oh, she’s very proud. It is you that haven’t a clue. She and I could both teach you some decent basic values, because you seem to need a lesson. You’re lucky that some of the eaters you get along with don’t chime in. As stupid as you seem to be you’d probably be surprised.
A-N-O-N the world sees me for the jerk i am why are you trying to make it sound like something new. Of course mommy adores you she is still wiping your ass as we speak . Please both of you teach me some decent values as long as its not S&M . My butt hurts. Didnt you mention something about eaters chiming in during past posts? Who says i dont get along with eaters. Why try to stir the pot you dumbass dick. I get along with everybody. Its you that has the problem with me and not the other way around. Shall we continue further?
Mega munch said
December 5, 2009 @ 8:56 pm
Brian, you complain that OJ doesn’t give your website enough love on Eatfeats, but how much love do you give Eatfeats on your site?
Elvis said
December 6, 2009 @ 12:10 am
I thought this thread was about me….thank you, thank you very much..
beautifulbrian said
December 6, 2009 @ 2:10 am
Elvis is correct this is supposed to be about him and the respect and love we should show for the king of rock and roll. Just go to the link i provided about the contest and treasure the music and the moment and the love this man provided for you and for me . He wants us to eat delciious yummy peanut butter and banana sandwiches and would you like to know why he wants us to eat delciious peanut butter and banana sandwiches? Because he ate tons of them during the course of the day and he got the nouurishment he so deserved and you my friend will get that same nourishment by treasurung those delicious sandwiches. Now back to OJ Rifkin. He refuses to give me credit by not posting any of my links . Do you hear me Mr Rifkin. MY LINKS SHOULD NOT AND WILL NOT BE IGNORED YOU ASSHOLE YOU. HOW DARE YOU PLAY DUMB AND IGNORE MY AMAZING INCREDIBLE SITE THAT WAS THE GROUNDBREAKER FOR ALL COMPETITIVE EATING WEBSITES INCLUDING THE GREAT MOSES LERMAN. AND THATS FOR THE RECORD
anonymous said
December 6, 2009 @ 2:12 am
oj why wont you metnion butiful brian preview to the peanut buttr contest. you think you shit dont stink oj hmm oj ? hmmm hmmm hmmm oj ?????
Anonymous said
December 6, 2009 @ 7:36 am
Yeah, but let’s take this into the Abuse Room.
anonymous said
December 6, 2009 @ 10:08 am
Lets take a vote who thinks that rifkins rif raf and eatfeces should go? How many hands please . ifoce members might look at it but they would not post real names for fear someone might actually think they waste they time on here
beautifulbrian said
December 6, 2009 @ 6:55 pm
Megamunch i never met you but you are a decent dude. You were a call in for BB corner several years ago and i found your input entertaining. When you use the term “”love” are you referring to my failure to plug this site on my site? I never thought there was a need for that. Fans dont visit my site anymore for up to the minute news. The first place they report to is right here. I have repeated the same story time and time again. As of Jan 2009 or possibly before, OJ Rifkin decided to refrain from plugging updates from BB.com. I have no idea what prompted that. I was not angry at him during that time nor did i publicly ridicule this site during that time. Matter of fact at one time both sites worked hand in hand in complimenting each other. I think he gets sheer amusement out of remaining anonymous and even more of a laugh when we refer to him as OJ Rifkin. He and his coherts have a distinct advantage over me. They know who i am . They see pics . They can mock and ridicule me like peeping toms because they can see me but i cant see them. Now is that fair? I think that as time goes by OJ Rifkin give you a few chances to let off some steam if you dont agree with his comment polices and then drops you like a hot potato. He did the same thing with chapman and the aice.He couldnt deal with the nasty ultimatums so the second best thing to do was just make believe they dont exist. Notice he rarely plugs them anymore. Why doesnt OJ Rifkin come out on this board and let everyone know why he has these issues with my site? Just do it. Its a fake name like the fakers that post on here so what do you have to lose?