Gal Sone reality show clip on youtube

A clip of a reality show in which Natsuko “Gal” Sone goes to live with a family is available on youtube Part 1 Part 2. There is not much eating in the clips.

Comments (5)


  1. Ed Charles said

    September 10, 2006 @ 2:53 pm

    For all of you that are in love or infatuated with the gal or sonya . They have no romantic interest in any of you. You might has well be in love with a statue. They are set in their ways , have their own agenda, they might have someone or they might not want any man unless you have big bucks to offer and thats no guarantee that either of them will fall for you rejects anyhow. The last thing they need is to fall in love with some retard on a message board or website that claims they are in love with them. Find a real woman at a party or club or whatever, and stop the love infatuation stuff. You come off as a creep or stalker when you act like that.


    September 10, 2006 @ 9:08 pm

    Ed Charles why dont you drop dead. Why do you give a shit if someone has a thing for Sonya or the gal. Mind your own business. Do you think its because either of them have no interest in you that you have this shithole of an attitude? You have the audacity to post a comment like that. I think maybe you need to get layed!

  3. IP Address said

    September 10, 2006 @ 10:17 pm

    OJ, you must just laaauugh sometimes…

  4. Mr Negativity said

    September 11, 2006 @ 4:23 am

    I agree with Mr Charles. They have one interest in life and that is eating. Nothing else. They might turn on the tv set for a few minutes but if the program doesnt pertain to food they get bored and shut the television

  5. Mega Munch said

    September 11, 2006 @ 7:35 am

    Hey, I’m here to say that IT IS possible to pick up women on message boards! I’ve done it many times. Granted, a couple of times those “women” were married, or incarcerated, or men, but for the very little effort that you put into it, you can’t really complain.

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