The website for the Stanford student newspaper has a picture of Joey Chestnut competing in a hot dog eating contest with Robbie Zimbroff, who wants to be the Stanford tree mascot.


  1. Flounder said

    February 25, 2010 @ 10:20 am

    What brand hot dogs did they use in this contest? Nathans? does anybody know?

  2. Agent 69 said

    March 1, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    1 – Can we get a confirmation that this contest used Nathans dogs, the official dog of the IFOCE where Joey Chestnut is the #1 eater?

    2 – Did the Sheas approve this contest?
    3 – Did Nathans OK Joey eating in another hot dog contest?
    4 – Is Dr Pepper & Hawaiin Punch official beverage sponsors of the IFOCE where Joey Chestnut is the
    #1 ranked eater?
    5 – Will a suspension take place, such as Bob Shoudts (Brad Sciullo, Pat VanDamn, SkinnyBoy Lane),
    since Joey did an unsanctioned/unapproved event?
    6 – Is it ok for other contracted eaters to do local contests now, in hopes of making a few bucks and some media time?

  3. anonymous said

    March 2, 2010 @ 1:41 am

    Agent 69 suspensions only apply to non favorite son’s of the organization. Bob Shoudt attending the premiere of wingbowl movie and appearing in a photo with Arnie Chapman certainly did not score points with the Sheas. He was not suspended for that reason but it certainly played a part in his suspension when he set a record at Jims steakhouse.IFOCE was left in the dark regarding Brad’s participation in the meatball contest until the Brad diss video of Furious Pete surfaced.That video infuriated Mr Chapman so much that poor Kate Westfall was on the recieving end of his tirade referring to Beautifulbrian as “Sicken” and demanding that Brad’s canoli victory was tainted and that he be tossed from the organization. It seemed to have worked in his favor for Brad is history at this point. Skinny boy was a table ender since day1 no great loss to throw him out besides his blog has always overshadowed his eating ability. Much better off sticking with his independent or tag team eating challenges

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