Saturday morning competitive eating cartoons

Megamunch has a post about the Beavis & Butthead bratwurst contest The creator of Beavis & Butthead, Mike Judge, also created King of the Hill, which had an IFOCE themed episode.

Other competitive eating cartoons on youtube:
Homer Simpson tackles a restaurant’s steak challenge
Samurai Champloo episode 6 (subtitles) : Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Comments (16)


  1. Hall Hunt said (Registered July 13, 2006)

    September 23, 2006 @ 12:36 pm

    I always did love Homer. If it had been a donut eating contest he would have won with ease.

    The other day I saw a commercial for Taco Bell that had a some guy at a competitive eating event. Actually it was some generic competitive eater name they made up for the commercial. I can’t remember it, but it showed his trainers, coach, and himself in the locker room before a competitive eating event. The coach was asking him how he felt. He said he was doing a warm up with a burrito and actually got full from some half-pound burrito. The coach said something like, “You can’t be full. You are the nine-time competitive eating champion of the world.” I thought it was pretty funny, even though we all know a competitive eater would never REALLY get full off of one burrito. Of course that is the point of the commercial I suppose. Even competitive eaters will get full of this because it is so big. I loved it. Very cool. Has anyone else seen it yet? I think it is pretty new.

  2. SuperPaul said

    September 23, 2006 @ 1:14 pm

    When I saw Hungry Bruno, I wished he was the world champion, because I know even I could beat someone who gets full off one 1/2 pound burrito!!
    The follow-up commercial they are planning shows Bruno eating two burritos, then having a reversal of fortune….

  3. Sal Hapatica said

    September 23, 2006 @ 4:27 pm

    about 4 years ago after I won the la castena larado jalapeno contest i sent pictures and a potfolio to taco bell and other companies which I wont name right now and told them about the rewards of joining me at thisburgening sport and they stole my idea this was my interlecial property. if you go to moses news there is a question posed for the viewers . for what they paid these actors the real eaters would have done that commercial ..don lerman

  4. donmoseslerman said

    September 23, 2006 @ 4:28 pm

    tjhis is don lerman the heading read sal hapatika it was sent this time by me

  5. donmoseslerman said

    September 23, 2006 @ 4:35 pm

    this is don lerman about 4 years ago right after I won the lareado jalapeno contest I sent pictures and a potfolio to taco bell and other companies about using me in there commercials and the reward of getting on the band wagon with me at this new burgening sport not only did they not use me , they stole my idea ”my interlecial property ” if you mayuse that term . on mosesnews there is a question posed as why they did not use the real eaters as aposed to theacctors that they used

  6. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2006 @ 5:17 pm

    Don we knew you and sal were one and the same person a long time ago

  7. MEGA MUNCH said

    September 23, 2006 @ 6:20 pm

    I saw the “Hungry Bruno” commercial too. I tried finding it on YouTube or elsewhere online, but no luck.

  8. the boy king said

    September 23, 2006 @ 10:46 pm


    If you mean “intellectual property” you may have a case.


    I saw it and thought it was pretty sweet. But if Don pitched the idea to them and they turned it down, well then, that’s just malarky!!!

  9. The Convo Hacker said

    September 24, 2006 @ 12:24 am

    IM convo between inspector noodle & officer shhhtink
    Noodle: shhhtink are you making any headway on boyking?
    Shhhtink: Ok i got a few leads. He was not at the three bros pizza contest because he claims he would have gotten there too late due to GF interview with discovery channel
    Noodle: Could it be Janus, Crazy Legs? His text content appears to be very well written showing some major intelligence.
    Shhhtink: Doubt it very much. He questioned Booker’s upcoming AICE song in a somwhat negative light and made positive remark about AICE
    in a previous post regarding Booker’s retirement. None of those names mentioned would dare critisize Booker in any way shape or form.
    Noodle: Im going to assign someone else to this case if i dont start getting some productive leads.
    Shhhtink: Hey Noodle what the f— do you want from my life this guy is slicker than we originally thought. I can tell you for a fact that he is one of the new eaters in the IFOCE
    Noodle: Yeah but there are so many. Ok find all the new eaters that are not married that have GF’s and go from there.
    Shhhtink: You think OJ would give the IP?
    Noodle: doubt it unless its a serious police matter
    Shhtink: I thought it was?
    Noodle: Not really. He only claims to be king of the boys or BK for BK broiler.
    Shhtink: You know you should be the police officer and i should be the inspector . You are one dumb f—.

  10. donmoseslerman said

    September 24, 2006 @ 2:13 am

    taco bell are not the only ones that i pitched the idea to , alka seltzer , franks red hot , when they use actors as oposed to the real earters they should be shuned by the competitive eating comunity. and yes I didn;t use spelll check , I meant intellecectual property, ..don lerman

  11. Mr Wright said

    September 24, 2006 @ 9:16 am

    Lerman the reason they use actors instead of real eaters is because the eaters are not household names. With the exception of Kobe do you honestly think the viewers would recognze any of the eaters? Maybe a few but I doubt it. They might remember you from the glutton bowl or maybe Nathans but that memory is short lived because it aired for a brief time. It all about familiarity . Baseball players , or any other famous athlete are always on tv and their names and faces are constantly in media and newspapers which is why fans identify with them and that is why they are used to promote products on television

  12. Agent Forty-Four said

    September 24, 2006 @ 1:49 pm

    You two Tenderfeet are making me sick. I held back to see if you could pick up the trail. First, you cant exclude married eaters from your pool. We’re dealing with a a questionble character of the first order, so he may be married AND have a girlfriend. That NOT the case here, and sadly boys all of the evidence has been here in front of us all along.

    Secondly, I’ll like to solve the Puzzle Pat

    You’ll remember from Freshman Art History Class that Egyitian Pharoh Tutankhamen was a ‘Boy King’ and was poisoned in his teenage years. His Americanized name is of King Tut

    Boy King = Wing Tut

    Vanna, I’d like a vowel, and a full body hug.

  13. donmoseslerman said

    September 24, 2006 @ 2:26 pm

    mr wright your wrong who recognizes these no name actors in a commercial I pitched the idea to them .i wrote alka seltzer and was the only eater edited the show, and I ate more than anyone in the first round had my refill plate not been 15 sec late i would have advanced to the next round . but to give them alka seltzer portfolios and then to be unalatery cut out is un acceptable. i also wrote in addition to taco bell franks red hot and others which at this time i will not name , but I can document every one ..don lerman

  14. SuperPaul said

    September 24, 2006 @ 8:58 pm

    I’ll make Taco Bell a deal…If they put me in the commercial, I’ll pay them!!….However, after my piss-poor performance in the Atlanta Krystal qualifier, I’m afraid I might be full after one burrito!!

  15. wing tut said

    September 25, 2006 @ 7:55 am

    and a full body hug you shall receive

  16. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 25, 2006 @ 11:34 am


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