IFOCE rejects “Masters’ Division” proposal

On competitiveeating.net, IFOCE has a response to Brian Seiken’s call for a competitive eating division for eaters over 40:

“While I think the concept of a masters league as proposed is not viable, it is in no way an admission by retired eaters that they cannot compete with a new breed of competitive eater,” said IFOCE Chair George Shea. “The retired eaters are giants upon whose shoulders the younger eaters stand.”

Comments (10)


  1. beautifulbrian said

    October 4, 2006 @ 2:30 pm

    If an Ed Krachie and Mike Devito are gung ho about the idea it has to merit some credibility . Krachie, the Mickey Mantle of competitive eating who they had to literally twist his arm to compete against Kobe in 2001 which he didnt. They had to twist his arm to go to the glutton bowl which he didnt . They had to twist his arm to compete in a bens matzah ball contest which he didnt. I think that alone is a monumental occasion in itself that i was able to persuade him without twisting his arm to get involved. To throw the old timers in with the new kids is like feeding them to the wolves. I think a new league would give them an opportunity to get their confidence back , stay active and then take their chances with the new breed. You have to crawl before you learn to walk. After you learn to walk then you can start to run!

  2. donmoseslerman said

    October 4, 2006 @ 7:29 pm

    I disaree with george shea on this one , to have an undercard at a contest with names like myself , jarvis booker, devito , krachie hardy seiken lipsitz would be a powerful draw . just like old timers day at yankee stadium.

  3. Jerry N. said

    October 5, 2006 @ 1:45 am

    i agree with lerman . The least they could do is try it on an experimental basis

  4. What an opportunity says.... said

    October 5, 2006 @ 6:10 am

    Why do you over 40’s need the IFOCE? Why don’t one of you senior eaters start your own senior eating league promotion? It’s not like you’re getting a pension from the IFOCE. You can compete and make a living. You can have tournaments in assisted living homes, nursing homes (the waiver could be tricky on that one), senior housing developments, Ft. Lauderdale….
    Maybe you can get Ensure to be a sponsor or Polygrip.

  5. anonymous said

    October 5, 2006 @ 12:08 pm

    noone wants to see the has beens of the sport. it is a new day and age and we have new eaters who put up phenomenal numbers. if you cant hang you can spectate.

  6. Rhonda Evans said

    October 5, 2006 @ 2:16 pm

    Opportunity that is very funny. I was thinking that Depends could also be a sponsor. All joking aside, I think there needs to be more growth first before the over 40 league could be explored. If there was, in fact, an over 40 female league I could dominate, because I’d be the only eater, unless Carlene comes back, then I’d head for the hills!

  7. Anonymous 3 said

    October 5, 2006 @ 2:46 pm

    You know that is pretty rotten remark from you two cowards. Its not easy trying to start your own league with the Shea’s around. Try it sometimes, see how far you go

  8. donmoseslerman said

    October 5, 2006 @ 2:58 pm

    only a direspectaful putz would knock the older eaters that shaped the sport into what it is today. put your real name on your post……don lerman

  9. SuperPaul said

    October 5, 2006 @ 4:34 pm

    I’m ALL FOR IT….BUT, something to keep in mind….The old-timers at Yankees stadium come out, wave, don’t exert much energy, and sit down….eating as much as you can, as fast as you can is a slightly more dangerous proposition….at any age…This sounds like it definetly would be a “risky” proposition for any organization….and nobody wants to watch us eat soup for 8 minutes!!

  10. The Wise One said

    October 6, 2006 @ 1:50 am

    anonymous why dont you call Ed Krachie or jarvis a hasbeen to their faces . I would guarantee that you would have a very battered looking face if you were a fool to try that. Are you one of those retards that pops up on this site every now and then with a wasted comment like Joey is great . Joey is the king. Why dont you root for a real athlete like a baseball or tennis player. You are one pathetic dick

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