Leon “Justice” Feingold signs with Israel Baseball League

The Washington Jewish Week reports that Leon “Justice” Feingold has signed with the Israel Baseball League. Feingold has pitched in the Cleveland Indians organization and has been ranked as high as 12th by the IFOCE. The article claims his personal best is 152 hot dogs in 12 minutes, which should probably be 15 1/2 hot dogs.

Comments (3)


  1. Anonymous said

    October 26, 2006 @ 10:54 am

    This is no mistake. Reporters never make mistakes, take something out of context or just plain make up their own quotes. This is obviously an “old school” eater trying to get Joey back for his direct, in context quotes that he made.

  2. on the money said

    October 26, 2006 @ 11:25 am

    Anony, Feingold pays about as much attention to eating websites or articles like anyone pays attention to the price of copper in Japan.I higly doubt its a rebuttal to Chestnut’s statement . Feingold is a good guy and great to hang out with but if the topic is not about Leon Feingold he gets bored very quickly . . Try getting through the first 15 words of a conversation with him and the rest is all about Feingold.

  3. Leon Feingold said

    February 5, 2007 @ 3:36 am

    Hey! I resemble that comment. I mean, resent that comment. I’m here, aren’t I? And Japanese copper is very underpriced right now. I have no idea where they got the 152 from; my max is exactly 20 from the Coney Island eat-off one year and I’ve never said otherwise. And if you feel I talk about myself too much in conversation, whomever you are, perhaps you’re just not providing any interesting enough alternatives.

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