Translated Takako Akasaka article
In October 2000, the Japanese website citydo did an article (translated by Google) about Takako Akasaka, the leading Japanese female competitive eater. Ms. Akasaka was the first woman to break 20 hot dogs when she finished 3rd in the 2000 Nathan’s Hot Dog contest. She is also the first eater, male or female, to eat two giant sandwiches from the Carnegie Deli in New York City.
The translated article is difficult to understand, but a few facts can be gleaned from it. Like Sonya Thomas, Takako started eating in her mid-30’s, has a day job and is single. She won some major contests outright, but I don’t think she ever beat Kobayashi. She ate 90 (presumably single egg) omelettes in a contest. The last sentence of the article reads “the queen who exceeds the Akasaka valuable child probably will not come.” The author apparently did not take the emergence of Sonya Thomas into account.
Sonya said
October 21, 2005 @ 11:05 pm
Thank you so much for taking the time to seek out such facts and information. You are a great asset to the sport of competitive eating.
k0bAyAsHi #1 said
July 20, 2006 @ 10:02 pm
That is so interesting. Thank you for posting this up and keeping us so updated. ^_^