Poll added: Who should be listed in contest results?
I have added polls to the site and the first question deals with how many competitors should be listed in the contest results. From “Beautiful” Brian Seiken’s comment from the meatball contest post:
I have requested official stats from the powers that be in regard to the contestants that finished out of the money 6 and up . However in the past my requests have gone unanswered with my assumption that if i post these stats it might cause friction amongst eaters that finished out of the money.
It is hard for me to see how accurately reported results could cause friction unless someone is ultra-thinskinned, in which case he/she should probably not be involved in competitive events. I am curious to see how widespread the desire for more complete contest results is for both competitors and fans.
I hope to have a new poll question about every two weeks.
Bob said
December 17, 2005 @ 11:00 pm
Glad to see that I was the first person to vote. I voted for everyone. Hey you did what you did… I love everything to do with the sport, the more info – the better.
beautifulbrian said
December 17, 2005 @ 11:10 pm
The friction that i mentioned in that article refers to the fact that after the contest i ask whoever is in charge of weighing or tallying the final stats if it wouldn’t be too much trouble if i could copy down each and everyone’s final stats to post on my site . The answer i get is “come back later” or “I’ll email them to you ” . It never happens! I have to resort to asking the eaters that finished out of the money how they fared in the event and i end up getting different numbers which in the end never match with the real results. If i end up printing anything less than the truth i catch hell for it. Yes it is true that certain people have no life and are ultra thin skinned and will fabricate totals just to look good for the websites so noone will ridicule them if their totals are not up to par. Very sad but true! I ate 3.3 lbs of meatballs .Not world beating totals by any means. I did not feel embarrassed at all. I ate what i ate and thats that. Lies will come back to haunt you in the future.
Bubba Yarbrough said
December 17, 2005 @ 11:56 pm
My humble opinion is everyone who competed should be listed. For most events each competitor has considerable amounts of time and money invested and his accomplishments should be shown no matter what the result.
Gentleman Joe said
December 18, 2005 @ 1:00 am
It is unrealistic to include all people & the full results unless done by the organizations running the contests. Even that, would be extremely difficult, because quite frankly, you can’t trust an eater to be accurate. I’m not saying anyone is lying, i’m saying mistakes are made in the heat of battle. I as I believe i’ve heard Kevin Lipsitz kose track of time &/or tallies during an event. For a site like this, beautiful bri or speedeat it would be damn near impossible. Top 3/money winners/or if something unusual occurs, is reasonable.
Yo Mama said
December 18, 2005 @ 1:23 pm
Full is the only way. It should be in the organization’s best interests to make more information available – pre contest and post contest. Lineups of who is competing, and then full results of how they all did. Any other big time sport does this.
Eater X said
December 18, 2005 @ 2:33 pm
I don’t think we should legislate the write-ups at all. I like what the Sheas write, and I figure they choose their words carefully. Sometimes listing a bunch of stupid names just to list them will screw up the rhythm of what they write.
Hmmm??? said
December 18, 2005 @ 3:30 pm
Stupid names???? Would not talk
beautifulbrian said
December 18, 2005 @ 4:37 pm
Your assesment of “stupid names” is way off base. If our totals are not up to par with you or the eaters that are always in the money then we are considered “stupid names” and not worth of having our stats published? So just publish the top three and be done with it right? Maybe to some people that means a hell of a lot to have their name and stats published regardless if they ate just 1lb… How would you like it if you consistently finished out of the money in every single contest 2yrs straight.? Guys like Bubba & The Legend spent hard earned money coming in from down south .I was happy with the rooms even though it cost me in gas but when i saw what other people spent that live much further i felt bad. They dont bitch about the money all they ask is that their stats are acknowledged .I can also make mention of the little cliques that exist in the organization meaning certain people hang with certain people on road trips such as Vegas or AC but i wont go there. I guess its take the money and run if you are in the top 3 or 4 and fuck everybody else? Nuff said
Skinny Scott said
December 18, 2005 @ 7:31 pm
By the way- great site.
Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in about contest results. If competitive eating is to be taken seriously – as a sport, then the results should reflect the totals of all participants. To give an analogy- I don’t think NASCAR just counts the top three or four finishers and calls it a day. When watching the New York City Marathon- the NYRRC is still tabulating the finishing results after the first three men and women finish.
If an eater finishes out of the money- he or she may still want to know where they stacked up in the group.
Complete results simply adds legitmacy.
beautifulbrian said
December 19, 2005 @ 12:50 am
Scott you were always a true class act no matter what organization you eat with. Good job today! Jan used to be reserved for matzah balls so now we have to starve for a good portion of the new year. I do not believe that was Tim Janus(Eater X that left that comment) could have been an imposter because it did not sound like the Tim Janus we all know and love.
Andrew said
December 19, 2005 @ 9:13 am
Everyone that competes in an event should be listed .AND THAT’S FOR THE RECORD!
Mike Sloan said
December 19, 2005 @ 1:19 pm
You should take a poll if Dan Gregorchick , Mr Negativity, Mr Haney and all those other bullshit names are in the IFOCE.
Rich LeFevre said
December 19, 2005 @ 1:42 pm
I am in full agreement that ALL results should be posted. We all work hard to do the best we can and it’s not right to only list the top finishers. This does not happen in any other sport and it should not happen in Competitive Eating.
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