Off topic comments not about the upcoming competitive eating documentary have been moved to this thread.


  1. beautifulbrian said

    January 18, 2012 @ 11:11 am

    Hmm , what is so amusing about either of their posts? I did not find myself falling off the chair in sheer laughter. This is anything but a good place for good discussion. Its a place for people that have some serious issues like yourself. People with real class or decency would ignore each and every one of my comments if they felt they were inappropriate. But not you and not Will. Both of you have one thing in common and its not expressing yourself well or writing well , its getting the last word in . Children engage in that kind of crap. When you succumb to that level it negates anything positive or constructive that you have to say

  2. hmm indeed said

    January 18, 2012 @ 11:21 am

    I bet Hmm wakes up in the morning rubbing her palms together “Ooo lots and lots of wonderful posts i will look forward to on eatfeats today. I cannot wait to feel free and jump right into the conversations. Oh dear look ! A story on lovely Stephanie. Lots and lots of wonderful incite. Whats next??? Hmm Hmm Hmm

  3. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    January 18, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

    BB weren’t you recently complaining about posters on eatfeats having no sense of humor?

    If I misread I apologize. Either way, several research studies have pointed out the medical benefits of laughter.

  4. beautifulbrian said

    January 18, 2012 @ 1:23 pm

    Hmm sense of humor is about as hysterical as an old fart attending the academy awards giving off a nervous laugh when a famous name cracks a lame joke just before they are about to present the award for Best whatever.

  5. Cha Ching said

    January 18, 2012 @ 1:33 pm

    Your Well Come Rhonda. Just kidding. Gosh people really need to lighten up about typos on this site. The criticisms usually come from people who can’t argue the arguments being raised, so they resort to becoming third grade grammer teachers to discredit the messenger. Hey we’re discussing the issues here and I rather have a passionate debater who can’t spell than a passionate speller who can’t debate.

  6. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    January 18, 2012 @ 1:35 pm

    hmm indeed BB, it is insight, not incite which you seem to do regularly. Get some humor in your life and stop making yourself unlikeable. Here we go, I hate to write this but really BB, you have to get a grip on things and get back to the topic. You incite people to get negative, everyone on here has the right to their own take on things. Insight is the ability to perceive clearly or deeply, and to each his or her own.

    So getting back to the real topic on here which is about the use of competitive eating footage in film, anyone else have information about this or experience, what is and is not allowed, but whatever is written, this is all speculation because we are writing comments. This is not journalism, just a bunch of different people’s opinions, all people interested in competitive eating, and yes, that includes me. I am staying out of the sandbox if this is what this thread becomes.

  7. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    January 18, 2012 @ 1:57 pm

    @Brian – If you didn’t have a myriad of personality disorders and multiple comments not attributed to you, that are in actuality you, we could ignore you like the plague.
    And yet the reason you come back here all the time is because you claim people are talking shit about you.
    So, we should ignore your shit, but your welcome to post if someone talks shit about you?
    Talk about missing a screw. The problem is, you can’t live without eatfeats. If you didn’t post here, no one would listen to your mumbo jumbo.
    To use an analogy, because I know you LOVE a good analogy: You’re kind of like Rush Limbaugh complaining about Obama. Limbaugh may have completely different politics and hate what Obama is doing politically, but the longer Obama, or someone like him is in business than business is good for him. If everything he crusades for or complains about went his way, he’d completely lose his soap box and therefore his voice.
    Without eatfeats, you lose your soap box to cry from because nobody is really visiting you site.
    According to you, you have the premier website for competitive eating and according to your very own site, you can’t even crack 3,000 views during the height of the “season”. And I’m almost certain those numbers are cumulative page views and not a individual, unique page views.
    At the end of the day, you do EVERYTHING that you claim everyone else shouldn’t be doing. You do weak, pathetic bullshit and then cry and insult when you’re called on it. And worst of all, you think you’re actually a valuable member of the community, when most of us seriously hate you. And the most tragic part of all of it, is that you can’t even see it. It HAS to be everyone else, not the common factor.
    But I’m sure you’ll respond to this in typical Sieken fashion, so I’m not really sure why I’m bothering. So I will take your advice Brian. I will completely and utterly ignore you and never acknowledge your existence again. But I respectfully request that you continue to talk about me in your inimitable styling.
    Good day sir..

  8. beautifulbrian said

    January 18, 2012 @ 3:42 pm

    Unfortunately Will I find the need to respond.Just listen to yourself ramble on with such hate such venom. Why is that? Basically because I pointed out you’re securities on Facebook. I know you are on medication. I also am aware of your mental status. You cannot live alone because you need to be monitored in case of a panic attack. But that’s not your fault. Will, you are a very very sick bitter individual. I would go as far as saying gavonne doesn’t have as much hate in his soul as you. No I am not hated Will. Maybe hated by you and that circle of fb friends that give you the comfort and reassurance you so desperately need for without them you more than likely would go off the deep end or blow your brains out.Continue your one man crusade of hate towards me it won’t change the way others feel about me or my website. It won’t work Will. It never has and never WILl. . One more thing I know you real well You will get the last word in. That I can guarantee!

  9. Furious Pete Manager said

    January 18, 2012 @ 4:31 pm


    My client just wanted to inform you that you are a little bitch.

    Thanks for reading.

  10. Anonymous said

    January 18, 2012 @ 4:37 pm

    OJ, have you decided not to have the Best of 2011 polls?

  11. Concerned said

    January 18, 2012 @ 4:58 pm

    Seiken your only intent is to harm. Will has all his marbles, but your stabbing at him and so many other people, saying they need mental help is only to try to rub salt in a wound, as it really were there. I honestly worry about your state of mind because your not seeing how sick your actions really are make the sickness even more amplified. Get some real help man before you do more damage to yourself and others. You still have many more years ahead of you. Make them meaningful.

  12. Anonymous said

    January 18, 2012 @ 7:09 pm

    Seiken, you are cruel, plain and simple. Giving out information you got from Facebook is way beyond decency, you are indecent to everyone but expect people to be decent to you. That you do not understand this, that one by one by one people learn that you will attack them eventually and you do and always always always blame someone else is simply disturbed. I do not hate you but I absolutely and definitely hate what you write, here and on your own website. You use people, we are not the haters. Wake up.

  13. anonymous said

    January 18, 2012 @ 7:17 pm

    Lets go with Beautiful Brian’s theory since he is always right: Will, Janus, CLC, Rona, Rhonda, Booker, Both the Goldsteins, Gavonne, Big Sexy, Stephanie, Maria Edible, Furious Pete, Joe Larue and many others have a mental illness and are at fault. Brian Seiken is stable and of sane mind.

  14. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    January 18, 2012 @ 10:26 pm

    @Anonymous 7:09 – He certainly has not given information from my facebook, lol.
    I am not on medication. I have dealt with anxiety, but it’s recent from when I was laid off almost 2 yrs ago.
    I do live with my mom but only because I’m in debt from stupid decisions from my youth and I’m not a bitter person in the slightest.
    Anyone that pays even half attention to me, or reads my blogs, knows I’m an open person with nothing to hide 🙂
    Anyone that would like to get to know me and find out the truth and read all of my posts is welcome…
    Though if I detect even a hint of being a fake profile, I won’t accept.

  15. Bad big apple said

    January 19, 2012 @ 2:21 am

    Has Brain oh I mean Brian ever kept a friend? He turns on everyone, what a dupe.

  16. DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)

    January 19, 2012 @ 2:35 am

    I don’t think Seiken has a Facebook.

  17. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    January 19, 2012 @ 8:38 am

    BB has done some very nice, even endearing, things for people over the years. Buried deep down is a very decent side to him. May he do what it takes to rediscover and work from that vantage point.

    BB you can’t keep behaving as if you’re “owed” something (whether it be an apology, more respect, more appreciation, or what have you) by practically everyone associated with competitive eating, and you can’t keep setting yourself up as being victimized by everyone around you. Doing so perpetuates continued hatred and resentment.

    I mentioned this before, but I’ll mention it again, because I hope it somehow sinks in. When a person or two here or there dislikes us or something about us, so be it. Big deal. We can disassociate ourselves from them and move on. But when a half dozen or more people seem to take offense to similar issues about us, we can and probably should use those as indicators of something that we need to change. That doesn’t mean we’re “bad,” good for nothing, or despised, but our actions may be—-which we can change. And when we make a deciosion to change we do it of our own accord, not to appease others, but for ourselves. Using others’ perceptions of us can help us do that. We’ll thank ourselves later for taking that initiative, as we’ll be happier people because of it.

    As I stated before, visiting your site over the years has filled my time with insight, laughter, and joy. On more than a few occasions when I felt down, I’d visit to pick myself up. I want to feel that way again.

    I would not mention these things, BB, if I did not sincerely care about you. I’m posting this here for all to see, versus sending you an e-mail, because I want everyone here to know that people’s opinions differ.

    Godspeed BB!

  18. Anonymous said

    January 19, 2012 @ 10:00 am

    HUH??? What nice things has BB done for anyone over the years? Please Rhonda, enlighted us. He bad mouths people that he’s jealous of especially all mentioned by Anony 7:17. Fortunately they all had the good sense to see the writing on the wall with him and drop his sorry ass like a bad habit. Yes, he does have a nice website. That’s about it.. Have another Bic Mac.

  19. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    January 19, 2012 @ 10:17 am

    A 10:00: I suppose it is unfortunate that I don’t live a rock-resistant, self-righteous mansion simiklar to where you apparently reside. I wonder when and if it will ever be in need of repairs.

    Perhaps there’s a tiny morsel of wisdom for you in what I wrote.

  20. Anonymous said

    January 19, 2012 @ 1:45 pm

    It is never ever too late for someone to change but BB has an awful lot of changing to do. Rhonda is always generous and thoughtful, beginning with a positive. I really hope that BB can read her message and begin to think about what he has done which is negative and begin to start thinking completely differently. It is up to him but it will not be easy. He has burned a lot of bridges, not only with eatfeats but with eaters and fans in every single category. But he CAN do it if he starts over. It will take time, a lot of time. And he has to think about it without thinking about some reward. Frankly, if I were OJRifkin, I would never put links to what he writes until I have been shown over a great deal of time that by linking with BB, the reputation of eat feats will not be tarnished. That is my opinion, I make no apologies about that. He or she may feel differently, that is up to eatfeats.

    I cannot tell BB how to start to change or control what he does, of course. I could suggest but then it would not be his. He is going to have to own it himself, change himself. A good start would be to begin person by person, think about apologizing to some of the people he has attacked. Writing more directly, beware BB, if you are not sincere, no one is going to just let bygones be bygones and not remember the hurt, just as you feel as if you have been attacked. You are going to have to eat a lot of crow and really begin to believe that you have actually done harm to people, and they are going to be wary of you, just as you seem to be wary of most.

    If OJ is not posting your comments if they are attacking, he is doing you a great favor. You need some time to think carefully about what Rhonda has written. Please take it. None of us is perfect, far from it. I will be hoping that you can listen and change for the better.

  21. the great gavonne said

    January 19, 2012 @ 2:02 pm

    Like I said before,I Am ready to sit down with Millender & Seiken & mediate an understanding.I am also on medication(most of it 100 proof),but it has no bearing on how much of an asshole I am.I’ll say this for hate:it really doesn’t help you out unless you use it to motivate you to do something positive.I don’t hate anyone,simply because it stifles you creatively & generally gets in the way of objectivity.If I can get in a plug(The Champ did),please follow me on twitter at gavonne2012-I can be very profound-& read my blog I mostly write about television & my penis because it’s what mostly interests me these days(I need to find some better weed).Any time you guys want to move it forward I am ready to listen.

  22. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    January 19, 2012 @ 4:49 pm

    Anon 1000 – I’ve said it b4 & i’ll say it again, since I’ve known Brian he’s been nothing but very nice TO ME. He’s always been friendly & helpful & quick to offer encouragement & he also writes very nice thing about me & my family on his site. Now, I’m NOT saying that I agree with the negative, bad-mouthing stuff that gets posted/blogged & we’ve already had discussions about that but u asked what has he ever done nice so since u asked…….. I know that when I post stuff on FB about unfortunate happenings in my life he’s always one of the 1st to respond w/a kind or encouraging word. There’s always 2 sides of every coin 🙂

  23. anonymous said

    January 20, 2012 @ 10:34 am


  24. Evan Porter said

    January 20, 2012 @ 2:58 pm

    10:34 Here you go

    1) Travis Fowler 37
    2) Paul Trovato 36

  25. Evan Porter said

    January 20, 2012 @ 4:16 pm

    Oops Sorry I posted the results for Brewske’s @ 2:58 I just called Tenaya Lodge and spoke with the “manager” and she didn’t know who won.

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