P’Zone Challenge spectator report

(From Carey Poehlmann) The blogger for whatpushesmybuttons attended the P’Zone challenge and wrote a blog entry about it. He had to agree to not disclose the results of the challenge.

Comments (7)


  1. Mega Munch said

    July 12, 2007 @ 3:20 pm

    Koby looks pretty worn out in that picture. Hope he can find some peace and get rested up before Krystals later this year.

  2. WhatPushesMyButtons said

    July 12, 2007 @ 4:14 pm

    Actually I didn’t have to agree not to disclose the results. I just felt like it was the right thing to do considering Pizza Hut was unveiling the video on the 13th. But apparently pizza hut released an official press release about the decision, details which I knew but withheld until their official notice.

    I’ll wait until tomorrow (when pizza hut unveils their video online) to share my event video and pics w/ y’all. I have some good “action shots” for you!

    BTW….I definitely had a case of “eater envy” being in that room with all of the greats. Makes me wish I would have known about the IFOCE growing up. I once ate 30 white castles in one sitting. I would’ve joined the ranks now, but alas Acid Reflux disease struck hard a few years back and my days of devouring large pies and mass quantities of food are all but done. I guess for now I’ll live vicariously through the current eaters on the tour! It was definitely an honor seeing them all upclose and personal!


  3. The Godfather said

    July 12, 2007 @ 5:58 pm


  4. carey poehlmann said

    July 12, 2007 @ 6:59 pm

    and there you have it.

  5. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2007 @ 7:07 pm

    The two girls are in fact good eaters but there both too high. S.T. should take the Gal Sone route and just do publicity. Shes still not a bad eater outside the U.S. and she could probably give Gal Sone a prerty good run for her money.


  6. WhatPushesMyButtons said

    July 13, 2007 @ 12:34 am

    Yeah, Kobayashi didn’t look too great…he tried eating a P’Zone and he seemed to enjoy it…but his dr. advised against him eating that day. Looked like he was badly malnutritioned though and he looked very pale (whereas Joey had all his color back). Hopefully he fights through it and gets some rest. I’m sure whatever medicine he’s taking for his jaw (if any) probably isn’t helping matters.

  7. WhatPushesMyButtons said

    July 13, 2007 @ 10:52 am

    Video and some more pics of the P’Zone challenge up on my site


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