is a blog solely devoted to eating challenges. It debuted in November, but I just recently discovered it.
In other supersized meals news, information and pictures about the creation and consumption of In N Out Burger’s 100×100 can be found in this blog entry. 8 eaters were needed to consume it.
EatBloatHuge said (Registered January 20, 2006)
January 30, 2006 @ 5:25 am
This is the way of competitive eating I like, the eating challenges for longer time range. I did a 5lbs steak in less than 1 hour and I got an air ticket so it was not that bad. I have been practicing with the half gallon milk, around 17 secs now. It is time for the gallon though, wish me good luck! Hey Pat, contact me
EatBloatHuge said (Registered January 20, 2006)
February 1, 2006 @ 6:51 am
Hello again, well half gallon milk in 15 secs now, I have the videos. I need to continue practicing with gallon of milk. Patrick can tell you about the videos, he watched them. If you want me to send you the videos contact me to Good luck to all of you today at the contest. I hope to meet you all soon. Thanks and take care.