Pat B gives away BBQ contest shirt

Radio talk show Steve Dahl models the T shirt from the Myrtle Beach pork BBQ sandwich contest that Pat Bertoletti gave him in a recent blog entry:

I will be working out today in my pork sandwich eating shirt, and I think that sends a nice message to the rest of the people at the gym. It says “Competitor” on the back. I wish I was.

Comments (14)


  1. the boy king said

    September 20, 2007 @ 8:28 am

    Good move Pat B.

    Eventually, the drawer full of sponsor shirts has to be trimmed down.

    Giving away used shirts is best!
    @ Niagara Falls, we autographed “used” shirts for some college girls.

  2. liz said

    September 20, 2007 @ 2:56 pm

    I’ll always take a shirt to add to my collection if any of your drawers get too full 🙂

  3. Mega Munch said

    September 20, 2007 @ 5:40 pm

    Boy King, you only autographed the shirt? Sorry to hear that.

  4. Anonymous said

    September 20, 2007 @ 6:16 pm

    Id rather have a shirt from Cookie or Moses anyday.

  5. the boy king said

    September 20, 2007 @ 8:27 pm

    hit my email w/ an address…. and I’ll send a box your way Liz.

    I’d rather have a Cookie shirt too… I’d only need one to have new “t-shirt” bed sheets. You know how hard it is for us regular size guys to get a shirt that fits @ a contest?
    There’s still this stigma that Competitive Eaters must be “huge”…. so the sponsors always have a bunch of XXXL shirts.

  6. anonymous said

    September 20, 2007 @ 9:45 pm

    Sorry Liz, ya gotta EARN the shirt.

  7. pat bertoletti said

    September 20, 2007 @ 11:32 pm

    Liz, what size do you want? I’ll wear it and get wing sauce on it, then mail it to you.

  8. inquire minds said

    September 21, 2007 @ 4:40 am

    Liz for someone that never entered a CE contest or doesn’t have the appetite of a CE, why are you so interested in being a part of it? It just seems rather odd that you would spend your hard earned money to travel to the Krystal finals when the IFOCE should be paying your way. May i ask what your intentions are for wearing a Pat bertoletti shirt with wing sauce stains on it? Would you wear the same stained shirt if Pat Philbin or Wild Bill wore it?

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    September 21, 2007 @ 10:08 am

    Inquire minds, back the hell off! Liz is about the greatest fan CE has ever known. She sure as hell wouldn’t wear a shirt with your sorry name on it!

  10. anonymous said

    September 21, 2007 @ 10:13 am

    Hey inquire minds, are you trying to chase away the handful of fans we have?

  11. Mega Munch said

    September 21, 2007 @ 10:44 am

    “Inquire minds”…I think Liz is what you’d call a “fan”, a term (short for “fanatic”) used to describe “an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.” At least that’s what has to say.

    You’ll also find “fans” at baseball games (the “Yankees” of New York and “Red Sox” of Boston are popular attractions) and a variety of other sporting events. Some “fans” even support non-sporting attractions like movies, TV shows, comedians and other entertainers. It’s a crazy phenomenon, I know.

    She may also be a “friend” of Pat Bertoletti, having met and hung out with him on a number of occasions. That’s just me guessing though.

  12. Square Meal said

    September 21, 2007 @ 11:49 am

    I have every shirt that was ever made… even the chain-male jerseys from the Mid-Evil Times turkey leg eating competion of 98′ ….Its very heavy and somewhat irritating to the nipples 🙁

  13. liz said

    September 21, 2007 @ 11:51 am

    I think I’ve answered the question about why I’m a fan about a million times. If you missed it, inquire minds, then I’ve been around longer than you.

    My current competitive eating memorabilia includes a Steakbellie Wingbowl shirt, a signed Crazy Legs dvd, some vip Nathan’s passes, a signed Super Paul Barlow headband, some IFOCE gear, a signed Pat B. glossy, and a United Eaters of Pennsylvania shirt. It’s fun to have and they are certainly interesting conversation starters. And hell yes I’d take a shirt (or signed glossy) from Pat Philbin or Wild Bill. My little fantasy league wouldn’t be half as great if Wild Bill wasn’t helping me out and who doesn’t love Pat Philbin?

    As far as spending my own money, I got a wicked deal on a plane ticket and I really don’t do anything for the IFOCE, so I’m not sure why they’d pay me. People travel to see the World Series or the Super Bowl…I just happen to like competitive eating better than baseball. 🙂

  14. Hello said

    September 21, 2007 @ 12:25 pm

    Thats true eating contests really only do have a handful of fans and competitors!!! My friends and I all eat for an organization called EATORF and they are struggling now for competitors and fans!!! Check out there website and please help us out It would be a great help its been alot of work and now its gone sour!!! Thank You and Pat I would love a shirt 😉 haha Liz rock on

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