Third season of BB TV debuts

The opener for the third season of Beautiful Brian’s video podcast is now available. The contents are described:

Beautifulbrian’s corner Season 3 features a tribute to Krazy Kevin’s retirement from competitive eating. Baby Huey attempts to break Joey Chestnut’s record of gallon milk in 41 seconds. El Toro phone in from Las Vegas , Phoney phone call from 1974

El Toro’s girlfriend declined participation because she thought the questions were stupid.

Comments (8)


  1. beautifulbrian said

    November 10, 2007 @ 8:41 pm

    OJ thanks for the plug. As far as Toro’s GF declining , its her right and her decision. The questions were stupid because they were meant to be that way. Its a show for morons so what else does she expect? I just want to say one thing. I am conducting a nationwide search in an attempt to locate Robbie Biegel because i want my cousin to apoligize for harrassing him 33 yrs ago. If Robbie still exists he would be 57 yrs old. If he wants to press charges on all three of us for harrasing him , i am willing to do jail time or community service to repent for my sin as part of the trio. I dont know how my sister and cousin feel about that though. Screw the statute of limitations and the fact that all three of us were minors. I feel if we committed the crime we should do the time.

  2. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    November 11, 2007 @ 10:08 am

    I’m very proud of you, Beautiful Brian, for “manning up” to your past mistakes. What was it that you did to the guy?

  3. beautifulbrian said

    November 11, 2007 @ 1:16 pm

    Don, again i havent the slightest as to what you are talking about. I am not angry at you and wish you would stop accusing me of such childish actions.I am not anonymous nor abe whatever. Someone is fucking with your head and getting enjoyment out of it.I dont hold it against you that i got the runs from that E coli bacteria food you served. I chose to eat it so i deserve to suffer. Its really a shame that you have the mentality of a 14 yr old airing out your hostility against me in this forum. Your friend took the same path and look where it got the both of you? Everyone is sitting back and enjoying this stupidity . I may also add that your failure to use spellcheck in your pathetic comments makes it even more laughable. I wont answer any more of your 4th grade comments because it insults my intelligence to even acknowledge them. Back to Jill. I like your blog and you are a welcome addition to the CE world. As far as the prank phone call i was half kidding . Watch the show and it will explain it more in detail.

  4. Ray The Bison Meduna said

    November 11, 2007 @ 1:48 pm

    Keep on doing what you do Brian.

    You are the Pioneer of Competitive Eating News.

    There is nothing like a Morning Cup of Coffee and Beautiful Brian News to read.

  5. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    November 11, 2007 @ 8:57 pm

    Beautiful Brian,

    I figured the “put me in jail…” thing was a joke, but I didn’t know whether or not the whole post was a joke.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, though! I hope to speak with you more soon.

  6. Ron Koch said

    November 13, 2007 @ 10:49 pm

    Brian, You are the voice of CE..Have a great 3rd season..Ron

  7. shazam said (Registered June 27, 2007)

    November 14, 2007 @ 1:02 am

    Thanks, Brian. Great episode. But what was the crank call all about?

  8. beautifulbrian said

    November 14, 2007 @ 2:15 am

    Thanks Shazam. The crank call was just some goofy stuff we did as kids.I thought some might find it entertaining. Not too many can preserve a a 33yr old phoney phone call on tape.I was shocked i never erased it. There are plenty more where that came from. I dusted off my 4 track reel to reel tape recorder and converted a bunch of old 70’s audio tapes to wav files . You cannot believe some of the home recordings and sound bite stuff i recorded from radio stations spanning 1972-1984. From time to time ill post some of it on the website or on the new podcast music show. Thanks for viewing

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