Chinese buffet dispute in Louisiana

(From El Toro) AOL News has an article about a dispute two diners had with the Manchuria Restaurant in Houma, Louisiana:

Houma accountant Thomas Campo said the men were charged an extra $10 each on Dec. 21 because they made a habit of dining exclusively on the more expensive seafood dishes, including crab legs and frog legs.

“We have a lot of big people there,” said Campo, who spoke for owner Li Shang, whose English is limited. “We don’t discriminate.”

Labit denied ever being told he would be asked to pay more than the standard adult price.

The argument grew heated, and police were called.

The article currently has 1979 comments

Comments (6)


  1. Food Fan said

    January 4, 2008 @ 12:11 am

    Imagine the top MLE eaters getting together and eating at this place. The manager would probably have a heart attack!!

  2. Anonymous said

    January 4, 2008 @ 6:08 am

    to food fan…after 5 minutes those eaters would be having spit soup, rest assured..don lerman

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    January 4, 2008 @ 9:29 am

    An advantage that smaller eaters have over larger ones is that they don’t attract much attention at all you can eat establishments, and therefore can get away with eating ungodly quantities of food more readily.

    I would imagine that restaurant owners would be quicker to monitor the eating habits of say Pat B, Humble Bob, and Pat Philbin, for example, as opposed to Rich, Sonya, and Juliet. But in an hour’s time the latter three would do just as much, if not more, damage.

    Hark … that’s one of God’s gifts to the little people.

  4. anonymous said

    January 4, 2008 @ 9:29 am

    Its not unusual . The chinese dont like when you eat at a buffet for a prolonged period of time especially when you keep going back for crab legs and lobster. That really burns them up. I recieved quite a few unpleasant stares from the manager but thats where it ended. If they ever dared to pull a move like charging extra money to the patrons that frequent the buffet i go to , the police would have to be summoned to the scene. This particular buffet im speaking of has lost many customers due to the fact that they added a gratuity fee and had the audactiy to add tax to that as well.

  5. More on the Story said

    January 4, 2008 @ 10:42 am

    After the police were called, the all-you-can-eat donut bar had a surcharge added to it. The police said they were never told this was official business, and thought someone had called them to invite them to dinner.
    More trouble erupted as the hungry diners starting going after other patrons who had thin, or what some call “chicken” legs. Many one-legged people were seen left leaving the restaurant, and swore they would never come back again.
    “Those animals were cannibals!” more than one of the one-legged wounded were heard to exclaim, as they drove out of sight. “Happy hording to all, and to all, please don’t bite!”.

  6. Carey said

    January 4, 2008 @ 11:22 am

    Wow, now the comments are at almost 3000 total. This is really a heated debate. The price for a buffet is the same you would pay to go to a similar quality restaurant, however, at those similar restaurants, you see a lot of people taking home doggy bags. Which means that there are a lot of people not eating their money’s worth. Also, the overhead at the buffet is less, because of not having to custom prepare orders, or pay for waitresses. They already jack up the price at times when they include the crab legs at the buffet I go to, so I could imagine the one in question doing the same.

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