Joe Menchetti wins Dani’s pizza

Jill Stoler has a blog entry about Saturday’s pizza eating contest at Dani’s pizza. The top 4:

1. Gentlemen Joe Menchetti – 9.125 slices in 10 minutes $500, second independent contest win in 2 days
2. William The Champ Milllender IV – 8 slices in 10 minutes $250
3. Joel The Cannon Podelsky – 7 slices in 10 minutes $100
4. Jill Stoler 5.5 slices

(Thanks also Joel Podelesky)

(from Crawfish comment) In other Joe Menchetti news, he is now listed in the WLOCE rankings and his profile page appears on the WLOCE website. THe last time Dale Boone and Joe Menchetti were in the same organization, Boone had Menchetti blocked from competing in the black and white cookie contest, which led to Boone’s expulsion from AICE

Comments (12)


  1. nacrogyn said

    July 28, 2008 @ 10:42 am

    im just curious, but does the AICE allow that? like being in AICE and also getting into another eating organziation?

  2. I said

    July 28, 2008 @ 10:53 am

    nobody is actually IN AICE are they? its just a gaggle of independent eaters right?

  3. Anonymous said

    July 28, 2008 @ 10:57 am

    It was Ethan Duclos that first brought it up that Joe Menchetti joined the wloce.

    Ethan Duclos comment

    Crawfish comment

  4. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    July 28, 2008 @ 8:23 pm

    AICE consists entirely of independant eaters, hence the name “Association of Independent Competitive Eaters”. There is no contract to sign, and no contest is off-limits to AICE members. Only AICE-sanctioned contests, however, factor into an eater’s ranking within the organization.

  5. Analist said

    July 28, 2008 @ 9:57 pm

    anything loserhayboy can do to get attention, he’ll do it..forget it, move on, nothing to see here

  6. nacrogyn said

    July 29, 2008 @ 10:35 am

    ohh, thanks for the clear up xD

  7. A. Nonymous said

    July 29, 2008 @ 11:07 am

    I hate to disagree, but I’ve noticed on AICE sign-ups phrases like “Why I deserve to be considered for this prestigious event:” It sounds like the contests are not open to all AICE members (sort of like how the IFOCE reserves many seats at each contest for their golden children), and Arnie has the final say as to who gets to go. Jill, you are an anomaly, in thet you are a woman in a male-centric event (I’m not being sexist here) – you will always be selected for a contest, because it brings the women’s interest to the table In the same way, Sonya or Juliet will always be at the table if they sign up for an IFOCE event, regardless of WHEN they sign up.

  8. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    July 29, 2008 @ 12:45 pm

    Has AICE actually kept eaters out of events, or are you just trying to stir things up? When space is limited, you’ll always want to have the best people there. I’m sure Arnie will talk to the eaters if there is a problem.

    I can understand not having IFOCE eaters in AICE events, because of the problems it can cause for the eaters and the contest itself. Why cause problems for a sponsor that could cause them to not want to have an event in the future if there are problems. That’s just my 2 cents worth…

  9. A. Nonymous said

    July 29, 2008 @ 1:16 pm

    Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to stir things up. That was not my intention. I have no proof about AICE choosing one eater over another, and at least they don’t say “first registered, first in” like IFOCE does, which is not the way it really happens. It seems that IFOCE eaters are more welcome at AICE events than the other way around, as Brad Scuillo, Justin Mih and Frank Wach have all competed in AICE events recently.

    My point was, neither organization is truly “no contest is off-limits” to quote Jill. Arnie will select the best eaters, as you noted, Dave, and IFOCE will reserve seats for their top eaters (or make contests invitation only). As people go to see the eaters eat large amounts of food, it wouldn’t be the spectacle that it is if the entry process was truly first-registered, first in.

  10. Jack said

    July 29, 2008 @ 4:09 pm

    Thanks Eric

  11. Anonymous said

    July 29, 2008 @ 7:50 pm

    for you INFO A.I.C.E is not a company. and is not even to be call AICE.
    that name belongs to editers which are in the process of sueing Chapman.

    WLOCE is a real company . with real offices in 3 cities around the world .

    WLOCE – World Champion Dale Boone Is in contests all over the world . and winning ever contest he is in.

  12. Tom G said (Registered May 27, 2007)

    July 29, 2008 @ 10:27 pm

    Great job, Joe, pulling off two more of these in one weekend. I really should try to find out about these sort of events ahead of time now that I have a different schedule

    There will never be an infinite amount of open slots to compete, in AICE events, if you express a desire and maintain open communication spots will be made available. Strongly doubt there are any examples disputing that

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