Anti online casino gambling bill passes committee

On Wednesday the House Financial Services Committee approved a bill that would ban credit card companies from processing payments for online gambling. If the bill passes the full House and Senate, it could have a detrimental impact on the funds available for competitive eating contests. The online casino goldenpalace sponsored 7 of the 10 contests sanctioned by IFOCE held in the first quarter of 2006.

Updated 10:30 – changed to goldenpalace to reflect that the listed sponsor of some events is – Thanks Bob Shoudt

Comments (3)


  1. Mr. Negativity said

    March 18, 2006 @ 10:00 pm

    Im sure the AICE would love hearing this news

  2. Bob said

    March 18, 2006 @ 10:00 pm

    This is not correct. Recheck who the sponsor was. was not the sponsor of today’s event, nor yesterdays, or the day before, or chocolate or key lime…

  3. baughman said (Registered March 3, 2006)

    March 19, 2006 @ 8:10 am

    What makes this sad is the World Trade Organisation says that for the USA to ban online gambling is agianst international law. Poker has already been stated by the state of Cal. as a game of skill that is why there are cardrooms there. Funny how horseracing is alowed around the law after 10k had been added to Mr goodlettes coffers. I believe if it passes then goldenpalace or any other online site couldnt advertise or sponsor anything in the US. Since at that time it would be like a crack dealer having a billboard advertising 2 for 1 eightballs on tuesdays. Problem is the offshore gambling sites cant really do much to stop this since I believe its illigal for a non US company to lobby agianst something in the US? I may be wrong on that. The PPA a group of poker players is lobbying and trying to fight it , and also some banks are fighting it also, since they would have to spend a good amount of money trying to fight this. Since most dont have the Tech in place for this.
    I find it kind of funnny that online porn is ok, since it is protected by first amendment rights( I do love my porn. thank you first amendment) but that this isnt. Yes I do have more then a passing interest in this bill since I have been playing online poker for years now.

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