Ed "Cookie" Jarvis will demonstrate competitive eating to firefighters today at an event this afternoon promoting Sunday's eating contest at Peter's Clam Bar in Island Park, NY.
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anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 10:56 am
Come on, Cookie. It’s over. Focus on your health. You’ve been doing great.
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 11:03 am
Is he going to show up with that 19 title trenchcoat with titles that have been broken by other eaters ?
Anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 12:12 pm
If Cookie is doing great, I see no reason he cannot demonstrate, something which gives him pleasure. It isn’t being in a contest. He has a long history in CE. I hope he wears his special coat.
Anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 12:45 pm
10:56 focus on your 1000 year old looking self, I know your posts a mile away.
jig said
August 14, 2015 @ 1:41 pm
He can do whatever he pleases
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 1:48 pm
The jacket is the most heinous thing ever displayed in comp eating. Those were records made before real eaters came aboard the circuit. If ed came into comp eating today he would be ranked in the 40s.
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 2:42 pm
you know them a mile away? Put monwy on it? Keywords wont help you like “health” thinking its Seiken Thats why your a loser in life cause your wrong as always and prob a lousy gambler . But im sure you can identify who i am you DICK
Anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 2:43 pm
In Cookie’s time, he was the best competitive eater in the United States of America, and without him, CE wouldn’t be what it is today in America. The man is a fucking legend!
Anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 3:00 pm
Being ranked in the 40’s is not the worst thing unless you’re put in the loser pity spot of 49.
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 4:19 pm
BS #49 is a legend.
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 4:22 pm
He sure had no eye for talent bringing in a no talent wig wearing midget into the organizaton, I used to hope the primitive talent he went up against in the nathans qualifiers would beat him so he would go away
Seer said
August 14, 2015 @ 7:10 pm
He sure had an eye for who hadn’t any fucking talent. Your “win” over him in pickles in that long ago era was a gift of biblical proportion.
Seer said
August 14, 2015 @ 7:33 pm
I think that even today, Ed Jarvis and his one protege, Allen Goldstein, could beat Seiken and his two mentors, Pete Miernicki and Phil Lipper in a handicap match.
Anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 8:49 pm
#49 is a legend roach breeder.
Roach Vendetta said
August 14, 2015 @ 9:46 pm
We have #49’s back. Neither Black Flag nor Raid can deter our leader.
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 10:21 pm
Thats probably the extent of it 733 Cant beat much more
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 10:23 pm
Regardless its a win and more than you ever accomplished in your wasted career
anonymous said
August 14, 2015 @ 10:24 pm
Imagine shitstein on the wall of fame . I would second that vote just so they could blow up his image so we can get a close up look at that Beatles wig
chico said
August 17, 2015 @ 1:42 pm
blah, blah ,blah!!!
anonymous said
August 17, 2015 @ 5:00 pm
Jealous bitchkin. Joined an eating league and never had anything to show for it. A bug fat zero as is the story of his life.
anonymous said
August 17, 2015 @ 10:18 pm
In Goldstein warped mind he actually thinks he accomplished something in his sorry ass life by qualify for nathans finals. Like hes some future hall of fame member or he won an Olympic gold metal. What he should have received was a hollowed out gold hot dog cemented to those cheap $ 5 trophies they hand out to the winner . In his case the loser
Anonymous said
August 17, 2015 @ 11:19 pm
Bitchkin is a born eater. Maybe he can retell the riveting story of how he used to clean out the refrigerator in 1971.
Anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 9:46 am
Tubby Tubkin wishes he could have won a Nathan’s qualifier and been handed a cheap $5 trophy, oh how he wishes he could have stood on that great stage and compete. Alas, he couldn’t, he could only eat 11 hotdogs, not enough to cut the mustard. Tubby Tubkin might have had a chance in the mid to late 90’s but he was to lazy to go the extra mile. Now Tubby Tubkin will fade into nothingness, watching his 49 ranking disappear due to inactivity. Oh, the sheer horror.. What will he do? I will leave you with this excerpt from a great poet to ponder…. “A Tubkin, tubby but tubbier…. A Tubkin”
Anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 10:09 am
Nobodykin who doesn’t make any money gives a shitkin about a Rankin. Give it up already.
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 10:45 am
First off Shortstein you looked fat in each and every appearance on ESPN stage. No muscularity what soever just a bunch of excess flab around the forearms. And no he could care less about competing on the stage because the whole point is to win the contest . Content to be one of the little elves of Chestnut and Kobayashi in your case the dead last ones, serves no purpose. Does anyone remember you on stage except for you and mommy ? NO Does anyone give a rats ass about your hollowed out victories against Leon Feingold sister and Damon Signorwhhhhho? NO. Go fishing with your imaginary friend on the boat or jerk off to the Glutton bowl videos or the 90 yr old grannies giving blowjobs on VHS . God should strike down Ed Jarvis for bringing a psycho like you into the IFOCE
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 10:48 am
Shorstein would call Seiken prior to the Nathans qualifiers asking whom he thought he had a chance of beating or who he thought was going to certain qualifiers while as he babbled , seiken put the phone down and took a shit and when he got back Shortstein was still talking
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 10:53 am
Seiken could not compete in the Nathans finals in 1971 he was under age. Matter fact there were no finals to enter . July 4th was the only contest
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 11:06 am
Allen why don’t you share with the fans of eatfeats how you use people to get what you want then discard them later. Case in point. When you first met Ed Jarvis at J&R you gave him your phone number and waited near the phone the entire day and night like a obsessed teeny bopper waiting for a call from Frankie Avalon. Do you think he will call? When the ego inflated media whore finally did call it was like you hit the lotto. FF a year or so later ” Gretta did anyone call when i was out ” “yeah Jarvis called 4 times ” ” Enough is enough what the fuck does he want he calls and has nothing to say” Phone rings . ” Hey is Allen there its Jarvis ” Gretta looks at Allen and whispers Its Jarvis. “Please tell him im not home ” LMFAOOO
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 12:48 pm
What do the rankings prove as far as self worth ? Nada except for the morons that visit this site who actually think a competitive eating ranking means something
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 12:52 pm
Joey Chestnut Miki Sudo Matt Stone can make a decent living with their rank. Especially Joey and Matt. The rest of you don’t quit your day job anytime soon.
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 12:54 pm
Very simple way to solve ranking issue. MLE heads up competition with questionable mid ranked eaters vs bottom of the barrel eaters. Whoever beats who re rank them based on results problem solved
dory said
August 18, 2015 @ 1:55 pm
you 2 should get in the ring and duke it out.What do you 2 say about that?chicken or not?
Anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 3:55 pm
Who are the questionable mid ranked eaters?
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 4:05 pm
Whats the purpose? He wont even do a deli challenge the punkass you expect him to fight?
Anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 6:34 pm
Slobkin is right, Jarvis did abuse his phone privileges back in the day.
anonymous said
August 18, 2015 @ 7:58 pm
Dory is doing great
anonymous said
August 19, 2015 @ 2:19 am
Ed Jarvis claimed that he called everyone to keep them happy so they would stay in the IFOCE after he won title after title . Without the competition he would have nobody to beat
Anonymous said
August 19, 2015 @ 10:01 am
Cookie Jarvis was practically unbeatable, except by Kobayashi, for almost two years. He is an icon!
anonymous said
August 19, 2015 @ 1:11 pm
Not the nicest person in the world but give credit where credit is due there was a time when he was virtually unbeatable. When word got out to Tim Janus that jarvis made his rounds on calling members of the organization, Janus reply was “Gee i wish he would call me” LOL
dory said
August 21, 2015 @ 1:46 pm