Baltimore crabcake pictures on

Pictures from Saturday’s Phillips crabcake contest at the Baltimore Waterfront Festival can be viewed in this forum thread. There are several pictures of “Eater X” and one commenter suggests that Tim ought to wear a costume.

Comments (2)


  1. Mega Munch said

    May 4, 2006 @ 8:14 am

    A costume for X? That seems too WWF for me and when I think of the WWF I think of big guys in spandex and, as you know, big guys in spandex and competitive eating don’t mix. Not to mention it’d be hard to wear a costume since the eaters have to wear the sponsor logoed shirts.

    HOWEVER, a cape would be cool. Something emblazoned with his signature X. A friend and I are going to see him in Lancaster when he defends his shoo-fly pie eating title in June and we’re going to paint our faces a’la X and cheer like fools from the front row. Should be a hoot. If Sonya were going to be there I might get down on one knee and propose to her with an onion ring, but alas, she won’t be. Oh Sonya, why must you continue to break my heart!

  2. L-Con said

    May 4, 2006 @ 8:23 am

    I just saw crazy legs on E! 101 Greatest Celebrity Slim Downs.

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