Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas
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Today marks the 20th anniversary of Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas' victory in Wing Bowl 12 in which she defeated Ed "Cookie" Jarvis in overtime. The Washington Post has a long article about the competition which also documents Sonya's ascent in the previous seven months after starting her competitive eating career in June 2003. January 30, 2024 at 10:43 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Philadelphia, Sonya Thomas, Wing Bowl 12 | Permalink * Comments has an Indonesian article about Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas which does not mention her absence from contests since 2018 and also claims that a Krystal Square Off burger eating contest took place in 2020 (the competition was terminated in 2009). August 22, 2021 at 3:49 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Indonesia, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments has an article "The Untold Truth of Competitive Eater Sonya Thomas" which makes no mention that she has been radio silent since July 7, 2018 with no contests, interviews, website updates or social media in almost three years. May 18, 2021 at 12:37 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (17)
October 16, 2020 at 6:04 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Rankings, Sonya Thomas, Steve Hammond
The MLE top 50 was updated today for the first time since June 2019. The new top 10:
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Today is the 2 year anniversary of the last update for on July 7, 2018. Since that time, she has not done any interviews, public appearances or social media posts I am aware of and has not competed in an eating contest since receiving a mystery disqualification (and getting completely removed from official contest reports) from the 2018 Nathan's finals. She remains ranked in the MLE top 50 at #16. July 7, 2020 at 7:00 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments
The official rosters for the men's and women's Nathan's finals have been posted. Sonya "The Black" Widow Thomas does not appear, which would end a 16 year streak of Coney Island appearances. (Doris Garcia is also unlisted.) There does not appear to be any surprises with the men's field. July 1, 2019 at 11:21 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2019 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (13)
Former MLB outfielder Lenny Dykstra said he considered Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas' victory over Bill "El Wingador" Simmons in the 2004 Wing Bowl one of the most dramatic events in the last 40 years of Philadelphia sporting history. November 20, 2018 at 7:44 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Male Athletes, Philadelphia, Sonya Thomas, Wing Bowl 12 | Permalink * Comments (4)
Ken Hoffman's column about judging the 2018 Nathan's finals closes with a paragraph about Sony "The Black Widow" Thomas, who was reportedly caught reversing into her hands by an unnamed MLE official and disqualified. (Did anyone catch this? I haven't seen any pictures or video of it). July 11, 2018 at 12:14 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2018 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (4)
The NY Daily News has a report on yesteray's weigh-in for Nathan's finalists claiming that Sonya Thomas was absent due to an undisclosed illness. July 2, 2016 at 9:11 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2016 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, New York City, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (3)
The new poll asks what woman do you think is most likely to finish win money (finish top 5) for the first time in the Nathan's finals. Stephanie Wu noticed that Sophia DeVita was added to the
>MLE top 50 at 37, ejecting Liz McClurg. On her instagram, Sophia says she had not practiced with hot dogs before winning the women's division of the Queens qualifier.
June 21, 2016 at 12:02 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2016 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Sonya Thomas, Women | Permalink * Comments (6) has an interview with Sonya Thomas about competing in the Acme Oyster eating contest Sunday. She hopes to set a record of 600 oysters in 10 minutes at the competition. June 2, 2016 at 5:31 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:New Orleans, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (3) has an article about mince pies which mentions Sonya Thomas' victory in a 2006 mince pie eating contest. Her total of 46 is still listed as the record. December 25, 2015 at 1:05 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:England, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments
Terez Owens reports that Matt Stonie, Sonya Thomas and Miki Sudo will receive byes for the Hooters wing finals in Clearwater, FL on July 25, joining Joey Chestnut and 6 other qualifier participants. July 16, 2015 at 11:40 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Previews, Hooter's Wing Eating Championship, Matt Stonie, Miki Sudo, Sonya Thomas, Tampa | Permalink * Comments
July 4, 2015 at 11:00 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2015 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Contest Results, Miki Sudo, New York City, Sonya Thomas, Women
Official results have been posted Part 1 | Part 2
WNEP has an article about Larell Marie saying she got 6th
Video of the final 2 minutes of the women’s contest. Juliet Lee appears to have finished 3rd and Michelle Lesco 4th.
The top 2:
1) Miki Sudo originall y 37 (officially 38)
2) Sonya Thomas 34
3) Juliet Lee 27.5
4) Michelle Lesco 26
5) Larell Marie Mele 16.75
6) Meredith Boxberger 16.5
7) Nela Zisser 16 (probable Oceania record)
8) Danielle Gioia 15
9) BeeJay Alexander 13
10) Carlene LeFevre 11
11) Lesley Ryder 10.5
12) Liz McClurg 8.5
13T) Mary Bowers 8
13T) Crystin Pactor 8
13T) Marlene Wigginton 8
16) Angie Hendry
Qualified, did not compete: Mia Davekos, Dee Martin, Brandi
Miki’s official total seems to be 38. The gambling over/under for winning total was 37.5, so anyone who bet the under is probably rather upset.
I have not been able to find list of which qualifiers are actually present in Brooklyn. Dee Martin is in Atlanta, so she will not bbe competing.
ESPN3 webstreaming has started. Miki Sudo has her own camera.
July 3, 2015 at 10:11 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2015 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Joey Chestnut, Matt Stonie, Miki Sudo, Sonya Thomas, Statistics
Here are some reasons why Joey Chestnut, Matt Stonie, Miki Sudo and Sonya Thomas might win tomorrow
Pro Joey Chestnut
- Has 8 Nathan’s totals (2 in 12 minute contests) better than Matt Stonie’s personal best of 56
- Managed to hit 60 hot dogs 2 years after first Nathan’s contest, something Matt Stonie has failed to do in 5
- Has managed to pull out of mid-season slumps by July 4 in previous years
Pro Matt Stonie
- Undefeated in 2015
- Has defeated Chestnut 2 of the last 3 times he has faced him by large margins (22.2 – 15.25 gyros, 120 – 85 Twinkies
- Joey Chestnut has lost 2 of his last 3 contests, including a defeat to Adrian Morgan for the first time in his career
Pro Miki Sudo
- Only woman to exceed 37 since 2012
- Sonya Thomas has not eaten more than 28 hot dogs since 2013
- Has won significantly more money than Sonya Thomas since July 5 ($14,950 vs. $2,400)
Pro Sonya Thomas
- Only woman to ever do 41 or more hot dogs
- Miki Sudo is winless since her 2014 Nathan’s victory
- Beat Miki Sudo badly in her last 2 contests at the Buffalo Wing Festival in August
Head to head results for Joey Chestnut vs. Matt Stonie and Sonya Thomas vs. Miki Sudo from the past two years follow after the jump.
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Permalink has an article about competitive eaters' digestive systems. There is also a video of Joey Chestnut's and Sonya Thomas' appearance on this morning's show. . July 3, 2015 at 1:46 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Joey Chestnut, Science, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments
Sonya Thomas did not compete in any 2014-15 Nathan's qualifier. She might be getting a bye (Kobayashi received byes in 2008 & 2009), but did not seem to have one in May when she was announced as an expected entrant in the Charlotte qualifier. June 28, 2015 at 3:45 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2015 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (12)
May 31, 2015 at 1:11 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Adrian Morgan, CP Biggest Eater, New Orleans, Sonya Thomas
update Jun 1 has an article and gallery (which captions Corey Fanguy as Alex Perez)
update Sonya Thomas has defended her title with 41 dozen in 8 minutes.
Top 4
1) Sonya Thomas 41 dozen
2T) Adrian Morgan 36
2T) Michelle Lesco 36
4) Corey Fanguy 26
Sonya Thomas, Adrian Morgan, Michelle Lesco, Nate Biller, Corey Fanguy and Alex Perez are expected to compete.
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May 23, 2015 at 5:40 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2015 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Charlotte, Contest Results, Gideon Oji, Sonya Thomas
WBTV has a gallery Queen City Videos has a video
Official top 3 males
1) Gideon Oji 16
2) Craig Wasberg 14
3) Ronnie Hartman 13
1W) BJ Alexander 14
2W) Mary Nelson ? girlfriend of Ronnie Hartman, walked on
Gideon Oji won the contest with 16. BJ Alexander appears to be the name of the female winner.
The women’s winner ate 14. I do not think Sonya Thomas made the contest.
Clayton State Sports has an article about Gideon Oji. If he qualifies he might be the tallest finalist with a height of 6 ft. 9 in.
Joey Chestnut has been headlining the promotion of the contest even though he is not competing: NBCCharlotte | WBTV | Sports Night
This will be the first Nathan’s qualifier for Sonya Thomas since 2011. She has not exceeded 37 hot dogs since 2012. The 27.75 hot dog she ate at last year’s finals was the lowest since her debut year of 2003.
Previous winners of Charlotte qualifier
Permalink has a podcast of Wing Bowl 12 in 2004, the sole victory of Sonya Thomas in that event. May 21, 2015 at 12:30 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Philadelphia, Podcasts, Sonya Thomas, Wing Bowl 12 | Permalink * Comments
The Korean American Journal cancelled a May 2007 cover story about Sonya Thomas after the massacre at Virgina Tech according to a former editors roundtable. May 13, 2015 at 9:01 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Korea, Sonya Thomas, Virginia | Permalink * Comments (1)
Takeru Kobayashi faced off against Matsuko Deluxe, a transvestite with a listed weight of over 300 pounds on the Japanese network TBS earlier this week. The program includes clips from Kobayashi's Japanese and American competitive eating careers. The commercial he filmed with Sonya Thomas appears at minute 29 and Pat Bertoletti and Ed "Cookie" Jarvis make cameos at minute 33. The show concludes with a Food Battle Club style eating contest. May 8, 2015 at 8:24 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Ed "Cookie" Jarvis, Japan, Kobayashi (å°æž—å°Š), Pat Bertoletti, Sonya Thomas, Videos | Permalink * Comments (14)
April 11, 2015 at 1:25 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Adrian Morgan, Contest Results, New Orleans, Sonya Thomas
updat Apr 20 Longer entrants list from Adrian Morgan
update Apr 12 has a contest report Runner-up Scott Malcombe is a tugboat captain who also runs a seafood wholesale company.
The top 3
1 Adrian Morgan 1.8 lbs defends title
2 Scott Malcolmbe 1.6 1bs
3 Sonya Thomas 1.4 lbs
Competitor James Karst wrote a preview for
This will be the first contest of 2015 for both co-favorites Sonya Thomas and Adrian Morgan.
Crazy Legs Conti will miss the event to focus on tomorrow’s Nathan’s qualifier in Atlanta.
The 'Scope has a blog entry about the science of competitive eating mentioning the feats of Sonya Thomas and Matt Stonie. March 5, 2015 at 6:24 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Matt Stonie, Science, Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (3)
October 23, 2014 at 11:00 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Sonya Thomas | Permalink * Comments (80)
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