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Chosun.com on decline of mukbang

Chosun.com has an article about the decline of mukbang and big eating challenges that opens with the recent retirement announcement of Yuka Kinoshita.

One major reason for mukbang’s decline is the controversy over allegations that mukbang YouTubers secretly spit out or discard food instead of actually eating it. As suspicions arose, some viewers condemned the practice as deceptive, fueling negative public sentiment, especially over food waste. Moreover, while early mukbang content felt fresh, its appeal has faded as countless creators continue to recycle the same formats.

Comments (3)

Ken Hoffman has an interview with Mary Bowers about her quest to locate her birth parents in Korea.
Tim "Eater X" Janus announced that he moved to Korea yesterday. After this move, all of the protagonists in the book Horsemen of the Esophagus are now either living in Asia (Takeru Kobayashi, Tim Janus) or retired (Bill "El Wingador" Simmons, Sonya "The Black Widow Thomas", AICE co-founders).
The Wall Street Journal has an article about the South Korean government's plans to regulate Mukbang videos, which it claims are contributing to a rise in obesity levels. (Access via a Google News query to bypass the paywall).
The Korea Times reports that a college student in Naju City reportedly passed away after passing out following her competing in an eating contest held for freshman orientation.
Korean bodybuilder Yeon-Woo Jhi recorded a video of her cheat meal Sunday.
Quartz has an article on mukbang, the Korean trend of eating large meals that are broadcast on the internet.
Philly Voice has a report on how mukbang, the practice of eating meals that are broadcast on the internet, has spread outside its Korean home.
The Korean American Journal cancelled a May 2007 cover story about Sonya Thomas after the massacre at Virgina Tech according to a former editors roundtable.
NPR has an article about the Korean phenomenon of mukbang focusing on Rachel "Aebong-ee" Ahn, who reportedly received $200 in tips during 30 minutes of a session where she ate a big meal that was streamed online.
Munchies.Vice.com has a video about Mukbang (also known as Mokbang) the phenomenon where South Koreans eat big meals that are streamed online.
The owner of AFatGirlsFoodGuide.com competed in a 50 cm hot dog eating contest in Itaewon, Korea. Her time of 2:54 resulted in a runner-up finish. update Feb 6 A blog entry and video are available
AllKPop.com has a post about Yura of the k-pop group Girl's Day finishing a spicy pasta challenge.
MileTV has a youtube channel of Mok Bang sessions by "The Diva" where she eats huge meals in front of a webcam. (via Ben=Jammin')
The Korean Times has an article about new drama series based on the phenomenon of meokbang, online streaming of the consumption of large meals.  
Time has an article about Park Seo-yeon who is known as the "Diva" on her video streaming sessions broadcast from South Korea. She says she makes $9,000 monthly from fans of her videos where she eats huge meals, which has enabled her to quit her day job. (via Digest Magazine)  
CNN has an article about Park Seo-Yeon, who is known as "The Diva" during her big meals that are streamed on Afreeca TV. She has quit her day job after receiving more than $9,000 / month in tips from her online audience, which is 60% female.
Bloomberg TV has a video about the Korean phenomenon of livestreaming large meals known as Mok Bang claiming that the highest paid performer receives $40,000 a month.

Kotaku on “Mok-Bang”

Kotaku has a report on the South Korean phenomenon of webstreamed meals known as mok-bang. The videos are transmitted on the Afreeca.com website, which has the facility for spectators to donate money to performers. The star of mok-bang is known as “The Diva” (The디바) and her monthly food bill of $3,000 is offset by revenue from her afreeca.com page. Her huge dinners generally take around two hours to complete and she chats online for several hours following her meal. (Youtube channel with videos from “The Diva). (via Oddity Central).

Comments (16)

"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has posted a video of him attempting what is billed as the largest burger in Korea. In his latest Q & A session, Pete says he will travel to India in 2012 to attempt the ghost pepper.
The facebook page for The Navy Club in Yongsan, South Korea announces that Joey Chestnut, Crazy Legs Conti and will compete in a pro-am eating contest on August 17.

Link Buffet: April 14, 2008

1937 clash of the titans?

The New York Times archive reports on a proposed eating contest from 70 years ago:

Kin Fu Ki, 32-year-old Korean Buddhist priest, who is 7 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 303 pounds, plans a trip to the United States to challenge American giants to an eating contest.

Kin Fu Ki wanted to compete against 8 ft. 5 in. Robert Wadlow. The only other article about Kin Fu Ki says he eats five times as much rice as a Japanese soldier.


Tomoko Miyake on Korean TV

A potsticker eating contest on Korean television between Tomoko Miyake and the Korean boy band Super Junior can be viewed at http://youtube.com/watch?v=_Nndgxav5hI
