Bloomberg TV has a video about the Korean phenomenon of livestreaming large meals known as Mok Bang claiming that the highest paid performer receives $40,000 a month.


  1. Anonymous said

    January 22, 2014 @ 10:39 am

    But according to that story, that guy film shows 5 nights a week for five hours each night. I know that’s only 25 hours of work each week, but that’s a lot of work when your work is eating a lot of work. Not sure that’s a good trade-off after all. It’s definitely not a good to do all that work to earn the $7,000/month earned by the other guy they mention. Net out the costs (3K/month) and taxes (1K), and that guy makes $36,000/year to eat like a pig every night and ruin his health. No thanks! A regular job pays better and is less ruinous.

  2. anonymous said

    January 22, 2014 @ 12:32 pm

    koreans never get fat . They have bionic bodies

  3. Anonymous said

    January 22, 2014 @ 2:33 pm

    But chubby and soft isn’t healthy either, especially if you’re getting that way by eating nasty food.

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