Nebraska Grilled Cheese Article
The Lincoln Journal Star has a full article on the grilled cheese contest at the Nebraska State Fair. It mentions that Tim Janus often ate two sandwiches at a time after soaking them in Key Lime flavored carbonated water.
Omahans Alicia Garcia and Nikki Sanders consumed 10 and 9 sandwiches respectively, totals close to the winning Sturgis result of 11.75 sandwiches. Hopefully their feeling sick after the contest will not prevent them from entering future competitions.
Tim Janus said
August 28, 2005 @ 2:57 pm
Chestnut and Loren: thanks guys.
No waffles for me next weekend. I’m going up to Buffalo for wings and the buffet. But do your best down there.
I’ll see you guys on the road.
Rich LeFevre said
August 29, 2005 @ 1:23 pm
Congratulations to one of the nicest and classiest guys on the circuit. I’m so glad to see him put on such an awe inspiring performance. I look forward to seeing more of the same in the future!
betroad said (Comment pending approval)
March 15, 2024 @ 1:48 pm