Examiner.com reports that Paul Barlow's reality show ambitions have been dashed again (this time not by Survivor)


  1. KevinRoss said

    June 15, 2009 @ 4:08 pm

    That totally sucks. You should salt all your neighbors land so nothing can ever grow there again.

  2. US MALE said

    June 15, 2009 @ 8:31 pm

    Damn Super Paul, you cannot catch a break. These reality shows do not know who they are missing! Remember those neighbors when mischief night comes.

  3. SPBBBMB said

    June 16, 2009 @ 12:08 am

    I try not to think about it, it drives me crazy. The daily articles in my local papers are hard to ignore as the show keeps getting mentioned…ACK!!

    Dave, you have faced a lot more challenging things than this, and are still a winner in my book. Every time I could mope about missing out on this chance, I have to balance it out with what is really important…you and your family work hard to cope with a lot more difficulties than I have ever had.

    Kevin, I’ve never been robbed…well, except this kind of feels like a robbery. You two guys have a lot more to whine about than me.

    This is one reason why I try to enjoy all the nonsense of what we do, and really don’t care what people think about me. We just gotta keep on trucking, and enjoy every smile we get from our wives and kids, and pets, and whoever laughs at our nonsense.

    I’ve had a lot of breaks in my day – just not big, financial ones. Hey, who knows, maybe that other show will call me again! Or maybe I’ll finally eat more than 14 Nathan’s hot dogs!! I’ll keep trying, and will do more of the semi-impossible! See you soon, and thanks for the comments!

  4. KevinRoss said

    June 16, 2009 @ 10:11 am

    That is a very good perspective to have, Paul! I’m dealing with a lot of genuinely serious issues now, so I’m trying my best to not get too upset at the things in life that go wrong which aren’t life/death, family related, etc. It’s easier said then done to appreciate all the small things in life, but I think if we don’t do so, we’ll all go crazy with stress! I know for me the eating contest stuff is a great temporary escape – just doing something silly and competitive that has nothing to do with normal living! Anyway, I do wish you’ll get on a reality show one day though. And stop reading that darn paper!

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