Brian Seiken resumes blogging
“Beautiful” Brian Seiken has resumed blogging at
Seiken has discovered a video of a woman on the Maury Povich show who is afraid of pickles. Perhaps some eaters scarred by the Carnegie Deli pickle contest share her phobia.
donmoseslerman said
July 3, 2006 @ 10:00 am
BRIAN thats a great feature ”BULLETIN NEWS” Your site is an example of what a web site on competitive eating should be , keep up the good work ….don lerman
beautifulbrian said
July 4, 2006 @ 12:45 am
Thanks Don i appreciate the kindness. Take nothing away from OJ who does a fine job day in and day out updating this site almost 10 times a day .Bulletin news will be devoted to hot off the ticker competitive eating news . Does not mean i am putting bits and pieces out to pasture by any means.Another new feature will be Pat from Moonachies greatest hits on audio. This weeks was a classic.