Amarillo high school tortilla eating contest results in school board meeting reports that a tortilla eating contest held at a Amarillo High School pep rally has resulted in a meeting of the Amarillo Independent School District Board of Trustees:

Last week, there was a “fiesta-themed” pep rally at Amarillo High School prior to its football game against Caprock High School, a school with a predominantly Hispanic student body. The rally caused a stir on social media.

At the pep rally there was a tortilla-eating contest, and later that night things escalated on social media, where initial claims were made that students were throwing tortillas at the pep rally as well as at the football game.

It was later determined that no tortillas were actually thrown.

Comments (2)


  1. Corn or flour tortillas? said

    September 30, 2016 @ 9:34 pm

    Corn is better

  2. Anonymous said

    October 1, 2016 @ 5:02 pm

    Most probably prefer flour, at least in my experience.

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