Angelo Cataldi criticizes Wing Bowl

On Tuesday, PhillyMag did an interview with Wing Bowl co-founder Angelo Cataldi who criticized the current state of his creation:

People who think that Wing Bowl is trash … have a point. Even we have grave misgivings about it. What it is now wasn’t the plan that we designed 24 years ago.

On Wednesday, Cataldi offered additional statements to PhillyVoice

“Wing Bowl will be here long after both Al and I are gone,” Cataldi said. “We have absolutely no say on the future of the event. It is owned by WIP (and CBS) and they have total control over what happens to it. If we had our way, would the next one — the 25th — be the last? Maybe. But since we don’t have that power, everyone can calm down.

“Wing Bowl isn’t going anywhere unless WIP says it is.”

Comments (4)


  1. Let's Face It said

    August 7, 2016 @ 4:07 pm

    I agree with Angelo. He gas balls to say it. I respect him for that.

  2. anonymous said

    August 7, 2016 @ 4:49 pm

    Wingbowl will go down in history for not allowing Seiken in the contest after they promised if he came in second in the wingoff they would allow him in. Wasnt Angelo fault but that asshole Cataldi who hemmed and hawed finally flipped a coin and said no

  3. Great Karnac said

    August 7, 2016 @ 8:37 pm

    Cataldi saw the future: Nobody wants Seiken around.

  4. Anonymous said

    August 7, 2016 @ 10:10 pm

    Wing bowl will never be known for anything ever involving seiken. He was a loser who couldn’t come up with a good stunt to get in and failed the wing off. Angelo got it right it’s a shame MLE took longer to realize that seiken is a talentless hack who brings nothing to the end of the table.

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