Badland’s Booker tribute to bunnettes

(From Badlands Booker) Badlands Booker has recorded a tribute to bunnettes and made it available on

Comments (4)


  1. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2007 @ 6:21 am

    That was a good tune. This site is always first to find such great information like that. Do any others even exist who can compare? Whos that gorgeous blonde that is in the video on MLE that C. Legs interviewed? Shes really hot but seems like an airhead.


  2. Liz said

    June 2, 2007 @ 6:32 pm

    If only I’d had the proper soundtrack for my video! I think I have a favorite new song 🙂

  3. Badlands Booker said

    June 3, 2007 @ 10:00 pm

    Liz, your video is HOT!!!! if you do another one, i would be honored to email you some music for the soundtrack. Thanks for the props on the song

  4. beautifulbrian said

    July 1, 2007 @ 11:44 am

    I read that Liz did not make the bunnette team. In my opinion that is an outrage. I personally think that rejection in and way shape or form is the worst thing that can be bestowed upon an individual. I will confess that i have experienced some rejection in my life but i learned to overcome it by cursing the living shit out of whomever rejected me, and that includes chicks! Noone should ever have to suffer rejection. Does anyone realize the damage that can do to someones ego (especically female) if they are rejected. The first thing that goes through their mind is “so im not pretty enough”? I will share a personal story with everyone. I was cut from the high school baseball team in 1976 when i was 16 . . My dad was ready to burst into the school and body slam the coach for cutting his son. When cooler heads prevailed he settled on writing a letter instead of resorting to physical violence. The next year i played sandlot ball in the summer and got much better . Tried out for the team and made it . I told them to take a hike.

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