Barrick burger contest returns for second year

The IFOCE announced today that the only “marathon” event on its slate, the nine pound Barrick burger contest, will be held in January at the Plaza hotel and casino in Las Vegas. Sonya Thomas considers the Barrick burger her hardest contest ever and the only contest in which she utilized all her stomach capacity. She ate the bun first last year but plans to eat the meat first the next contest.

In this forum thread, a Florida resident, swtpup, boasts about his 119 pound girlfriend’s eating ability and it is suggested that she try the Barrick burger as a suitable test for her appetite on their next trip to Las Vegas.

Comments (9)


  1. beautifulbrian said

    December 10, 2005 @ 4:33 pm

    In the spring of 2003 I headed out to Denny’s with Badlands, Krazy Kev , Kev’s wife & Don Lerman to attempt this type of burger . Eddie the Geek Moe Ribs and a few others were also there. To say this was quite difficult would be an considered an understatement . Burger is about 11lbs . 5 of the the 11lbs is condiments you must eat. If you tell them to leave off one condiment they will double up on another. Mayo is the killer . They give you three hours as opposed to the one hour you get in vegas. Time means nothing . If you can’t dent it in the first hour or finish it , the other two hours mean nothing. Badlands came the closest to finishing it in the time allotted but no cigar. Next time out he completed it but in longer time frame and of course you know the Kate Stelnick story. Taking nothing away from Hardy who has proved he is the man for the commish job , but Ray the Bison’s job as judge was outstanding in the first barrick burger contest

  2. El Conquistador said

    December 10, 2005 @ 8:05 pm

    once again with another 21 to compete contest i think the ifoce is just targeting the mid 20’s bracket anymore

  3. Andrew said

    December 10, 2005 @ 9:06 pm

    Not targeting mid bracket 20’s anymore? Elaborate. In other words what on earth are you talking about?

  4. The Truth said

    December 10, 2005 @ 11:00 pm

    El Conquistador, you are an idiot! The freakin’ contest is at a casino. Casino’s only have things besides gambling, to get your fat arse in the place so you will gamble before, during or after. The last time I checked, you need to be 21 to gamble or even be on a casino floor. That is why its 21! Otherwise, i’m sure it would be the usual 18.

  5. Andrew said

    December 11, 2005 @ 12:57 am

    I agree Conquistador is a stupid moron. His grammar is the pitts for starters. I hope the truth is 21 or he will not be able to compete. It amazes me how many psycotic bastards flock to this site.

  6. beautifulbrian said

    December 11, 2005 @ 12:50 pm

    I have incorporated a comment and opinion page(30 day trial basis) on my website . It can be accessed through the front page index category next to bits & pieces. New feature that i hope catches on. My intent is not to compete with this masterpiece of a website ( but to get additional feedback on competitive eating be it fan commentary , fan opinions, or what have you. Dont be bashful to speak your mind . No holds barred . You can use any name you desire but comments will be subject to screening before posted. Vulgarity is acceptable as long as you dont curse out someone’s mother.

  7. El Conquistador said

    December 11, 2005 @ 12:52 pm

    I forgot this is the only place on the internet where grammar counts. I’ll now show the hypocrisy in the IFOCE age restrictions. Most recently the whole Verizon VoiceWing circuit took place in bars. The age for that circuit was 18, being Pat Bertoletti was able to participate. Before that there was the Nathan’s final. If you look there were ads for Old Milwaukee, yet the age was only 18. The one I find to be surprising is Carmine’s last year where the age was only 18 last year and now its 21. The biggest kicker is that the eating challenge this site seems to be roughly based on is in a bar and has no age restriction at all.
    If eating ever wants to be considered a real sport, they’re going to have to start acting it. NASCAR for example has a 19 year old driver, Kyle Busch. Yet they have cars with the logos of Jack Daniel’s, Miller Light, Coors Light, and Bud. The events themselves are even sponsored by companies that make alcoholic beverages.
    Andrew, I said that they’re only targeting the mid 20’s anymore. Eating is probably the most popular of obscure sports, but that is all it is an obscure sport. The only way to make it main streak is to hit a younger audience. Most things that make it out of the underground use the college audience. The average age for graduating college is 22. There are two years there of a prime audience being wasted. Scouting at colleges will attract a lot of people that can’t eat, but then again some of the best up and comers are in that age bracket.
    In closing, I’m sure there are a few flaws. If you’d like to clarify my views, it’d be greatly appreciated. Next time I’ll spend more than five minutes justifying my argument.

  8. Andrew said

    December 11, 2005 @ 5:13 pm

    I said that they’re only targeting the mid 20’s anymore. My only beef with this is your grammar which i cannot figure out. According to the english language I never heard “Only targeting the mid 20’s anymore”. ?????? Did you mean ” Not targeting the mid 20’s anymore? .Instead of using the word “only” you could have replaced it with “not” Or you could have said “only targeting the mid 20’s ” the word anymore doesn’t make sense grammar wise when starting off the sentence with “Not” . It only takes one word screwup in a sentence so that people will not understand what the hell you are talking about.

  9. Ray The Bison Meduna said

    December 16, 2005 @ 12:55 am

    I was the Judge for the Monster Barrick Burger(9 Lbs.) Last Jan.Sonya The Black Widow Thomas amazed me when she ate this Burger in 47 Minutes 10 Seconds.

    Rich Lefvre was within a 20 Ounces of Sonya and I commend him on his performance.Ed Cookie Jarvis was within striking distance but he ran out of gas towards the end.

    Personally I hold the World Record for the smaller Barrick Burger (3 Lbs and 1 Lb. of fries in 9 Minutes 30 Seconds).

    I am hoping to Judge the 2006 Event next Month along with Charles Hungry Hardy.Actually I would like to see Hardy give this contest a try .

    Also I would like to say thanks for the nice site you provide here for all of us to speak our opinions.Along with that Beautiful Brian does a Great service to all with his up to date results and stories surrounding Pro Competitive Eating.

    Ray The Bison Meduna
    Retired Pro Competitive Eater and #1 Fan of a truly Amazing Sport

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